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thefting_kill Blog

Hellmen Was Right!

I loved Million Dollar Baby...


Ok now on to more important news. I have just bought My Chemical Romance's older Cd and also, The Blood Brother's new Cd "Crimes".

The Blood Brother's: Crimes -- 9/10

My Chemical Romance: I Brought You My Bulltets You Brought Me Your Love: 10/10

I love these bands, they are wonderful. I'am now working to get another bands Cd and you will be seeing their rating soon. Bye bye for now.


What are your thouhgts on Oblivion?

I really think this game is going to kill the competition of RPG's. I can't wait.

The Father's day with a cold, degree.

Hey everyone, today is Father's day. I got my Dad the new Coldplay Cd because they pretty much his favorite band and I listen to them alot to with him. So last night at midnight we sat down and listen to the X&Y soundtrack.

In other news I have also pre-orded my Xbox 360! I did it yesterday and I was excited to hear from the store clerk that it was coming out November 9th but I'am not sure if that is the official date but it could be.

So tell me what you think and have a great day this Father's day.

Gorilla Romance......

I have just recently bought the new Gorillaz Cd entitled Demon Days, I also bought the new My Chemical Romance Cd. These are my new favorite bands almost!

My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge: 10/10

Gorillaz Demon Days: 10/10

Well I guess this is all for now I have been busy with schoo work lately so I really haven't been getting on much at all, I have been lookinf for new reviews and updates to whenever I may come on. Well I have everyone has a good day.

Darth Vadar has arose.

I just saw Star Wars Episode III, it was a great movie. It was one of the more violent and more depressing side of the story but it was well put togethor and fun to watch.


Killzone 2.

Killzone 2 look really, well to put it in my words..........awesome! I hated the first one I know that. But dang go check out the video clip in the PS3 section and tell me what you think.

Hitching A Ride In The Galaxy.

I saw Hitchickers Guide To The Galazy today, and man was it good. It had alot of humor, action, and other weird stuff.


On to other news I have beaten God of War, and man this review is fun to write.