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thefting_kill Blog

Ares will be silenced..................and some other stuff.

I have just clocked in 6 hours on God Of War. I find this game addicting and alot of fun :). I've been playing it for probaby 3 days now and it is just amazing.

On other news, I'am not into matchmaking on Halo 2 like I used to be. Now I just suck on it most the time. Alot of people beat me, then I beat them, and so on. Halo is a never ending struggle of levels on Halo 2...from Acension, a hated level (now) by me.....and Turf my favorite.

I just found out about the new SSX snowboarding game. Which is weird because alot lately I have been playing SSX 3 and SSX Tricky, they are both fun and fantastic games, that I always seem to get addicted to. Now that SSX 4 is coming out, my life will consist of constant high scores, snow, and alot of tricks...... oh and also Skiing has been introduce so I see.

Anyways everyone here on Gamespot have a good day and hope to catch you on Xbox Live sometime.

I love Coot's!

Hey everyone, I have concluded a trip of birding down in south Oregon in Malheur. I found that a really popular bird known as the Coot, which is of the Duck species, is very underrated. I love the Coot to death. Do a "Google" search for Coot and you can see what it looks like, I hope you enjoy.

So that is what my weekend pretty much consisted of: first time birding, getting 49 birds on my list which is supposedly really good for a begginer Bird Watcher. Ans that is about it.

Oh and don't make fun of was really exciting, but I'am bored of it now.

Cantained in Containment.

Since 9 A.M. yesterday (Monday), I have been completely wasting my life on Halo 2 with the four new maps; Containment, Warlock, Sanctuary, and Turf. I love Turf the best, but I have been contained in Containment.

Everywhere I go, I seem to run into a game that plays Containment, not that its a bad thing of course. But its everywhere on XBL. So I decided to start my own game, and I set it to Turf, and regular settings. Some people got bored, and yelled, "We want Containment!" So I just got offline for a bit.

I have already found a glitch in Containment that is pretty cool, and I hope you find it soon. It is one of the easier glitches in the game.

We that is all I have to say for today. Have a good day everyone.

Frustrated. To the point of insanity?

Yes I agree with GregK on the Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening's, review. The game is very frustrating. Not that I'am having troubles in the regular story mode, but the secret missions are very hard. I'am in secret mission 3 and I need to stay off the ground for 20 seconds. The frustration kicked in for the first 20 minutes i tried this little stunt. I finally quit it, then I got to this area witha bunch of mummy's and died, so I went back, and died again, and again. I'am just sick of games right now. So I came on Gamespot for a sec. Thats all I have to say.

Posting 300.

I just realised I have 300 posts. Well it's not the most important or interesting thing in the world. But I'm happy.

An overrated State and an unloved Spartan.

Maybe it's only me. But am I the only person on this website who didn't think much of GTA: San Andreas? It may be so. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has been in the top ten since its release, which was in October of 2004. I bought it 2 days after it was released, and I wasn't dissapointed with it but it just wasn't what everyone thinks it is.

After I beat the game, I don't think I have played it since. It really got to me how fast your stats can go up, I like the way your driving skills stats go up really slow, and since the game is really long, I figure why not slow it down. Just like the Vice City, it isn't fun after awhile, except its fun till your stats are full, theres only the story....didn't find it that exciting. And I still think that GTA 3 is the best of the bunch.

Now Halo 2 was hated by alot of people, many complaints, because the ending. I liked the ending, don't poke fun but I just liked it because it means....Halo 3.....possibly. Master Chief needs to feel the love.

Many people do love Halo 2 but fans of the original aren't swept away by its majesty, and grace as I'am. Halo there is always something to go back for.