A) when you get someone on last stand but then one of their teamates comes and kills you and someone else gets the kill on the guy YOU put in last stand and all you get is a lowsey assist. The player who put the guy on last stand should get the points, the other guy is just doing clean up work.
B) little kids
C) people who have martyrdom in HARDCORE (friendly fire is on)
D) getting spawned right in front of a camper
E) random gernade tossers-" maybe if all just throw 3 gernades up in the air really high they might kill someone!"
F) people that make fun of people that suck. They are just trying to enjoy the game, you dont have to be so mean. (this is not about me by the way, i have a 1.46 KDR)
H) bad connections
I) I realize that gernade launchers are just part of the game, but you have to admit it sucks when you are rackin up a streak then all of the sudden some noob owns you with a GL.
J) when one of your teamates has the bomb and you are right by the target but instead of planting it your teamate decides to wait for an ambush.
K) sometimes when you try toknife someone, it just doesnt work.
but still this game is amazing.
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