I have the same question and now I know which one I am going to get. First, I am going to get resistance fall of man and then later Ill get warhawk.bladezguy
:lol: i cant believe you dug up this ancient topic :lol:
Usually i hate RPGs but Fallout 3 not only looks tolerable but really bada$$, it is my second most anticipated game for the rest of 08 (behind LBP of course). Do any other RPG haters feel this way?
I hate RPGs and I really don't know what Fallout 3 is.
you should watch the E3 gameplay demo. its what sold me
I just did. The whole thing is SLOW and there is no action. It's really really slow.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but im still excited :D
Usually i hate RPGs but Fallout 3 not only looks tolerable but really bada$$, it is my second most anticipated game for the rest of 08 (behind LBP of course). Do any other RPG haters feel this way?
I hate RPGs and I really don't know what Fallout 3 is.
you should watch the E3 gameplay demo. its what sold me
Usually i hate RPGs but Fallout 3 not only looks tolerable but really bada$$, it is my second most anticipated game for the rest of 08 (behind LBP of course). Do any other RPG haters feel this way?
This is pretty much the only forum i use, but i will probably use giant bomb too when it is opened. And i was wondering if there were any other really good forums i should be checking out. I know this is pretty Nooby, so my apologies in advance.
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