Why no love for Army of Two, im really excited about this game. Im all about co-op whether its local with my buddies or online and this game was built from the ground up to be a co-op game. I thinkall the different team tactics will make this game a lot of fun. Although I admit i picked COD4 i thought this game would get more votes than this.
Bungie(the dudes that made halo) are now independent from M$. They are now free to make games they want and for whatever consoles they want. The question is do you think they will bring a game to the PS3?
that's just a terrbile thing to have to choose only one and i honestly can't do it. i can't believe how many great games are coming out in the next 6-7 weeksdeliveryboy15
i know, i went to gamestop the other day and dropped 350 dollars on reserves (GH3, AO2, COD4, HAZE, Timeshift)
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