theiceman08's forum posts
I have both an xbox 360 AND PS3, i like both consoles, however i play the xbox more. This is beacuse of the range of games and the quality online service. My PS3 has not been played for quite a while. I was starting to think if i had wasted my money on the PS3 as there just isnt enough games and services out there to keep the ps3 alive and more popular. I would love to see the PS3 overtake the xbox 360, but when will this happen!!? Where are those highly anticipated games?, how long do we have to wait for PS Home. When are we going to see a game that can compete with halo etc. jjarvis321
when? 2008. 360 is now, PS3 is the future.
[QUOTE="fistoflight"]The GetAway, MGS4, MGS online, Killzone 2, LBP, Gran Turismo 5, White knight story, Final fantasy 13 and Versus, Infamous, Team Ico next game, Naruto made by bandai in 2008, David jaffes exclusives, new franchise by rockstar, killzone 2, Star ocean 4, Monster hunter 3, Persona 4, Nomi Nomi boy, Wardevil enigma, tekken 6 and etc.
I don't think you will have to worry about games....Haze, Uncharted, Ratchet and clank TOD, Folklore, Eye of judgement, eye dentify, pain, Timce crisis 4, Resisstance 2 come on we know its coming, and much more.
Yeah thats a more than decent enough list.
I heard something about a new rockstar game after gtaIV that'll be exclusive to ps3, did you guys hear that too or was i just imagining that.
that is true and L.A. Noire, another Rockstar game will also be ps3 exclusive
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