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themountaindew's forum posts
son, i am disappoint.
i'm sure you won't have to buy a new ds, though. try popping those triggers off, cleaning them and then putting them back on. hell, is youre warranty still good? I think nintendos stuff comes with a one year, so try that. but before getting a new one, id try cleaning it. its possible theres just some dust or crap in there. happens.
I mean, pretty much. Haven't you heard of Occam's Razor, eliminates the need for symbolism here.[QUOTE="themountaindew"][QUOTE="MystikFollower"]
I'm sorry that you haven't studied symbolism in school.... I suppose this means you also believe that during the End Times, monsters of every sort and variety are going to be coming out of the ocean, along with dragons and pretty angels playing trumpet?
I have not heard of Occam's Razor, please, enlighten me.
Occam's Razor pretty much states that the simplest answer is usually best. im not the best at explaining his reasoning for it, but you could google it.[QUOTE="magicalclick"][QUOTE="themountaindew"] Okay, Tegan, you caught me. Im not a philosophy student, i'm just a guy on a computer who reads a little philosophy but isn't a pro at it. But i did become a christian because of kirk cameron and a banana. Its a good argument, plain and simple.lordreavenYou better watch the movie called, "Clash of the Titans" then. It will blow your mind. but it makes hades Evil......................he's not evil, he's passive. He hardly does anything other than govern the underworld. i don't watch movies, i play games, and in the case of Heavy Rain, play movies.
Hi, I'm a 22 year old philosophy major at the University of Michigan, and I, for the life of me, even with all the know how behind philosophy and what not, cannot figure out why it is considered "wrong" to kill another human. I mean, humans kill animals, and they're practically human, so why can't we kill humans, who are practically animals?
I really think your just looking for an excuse to argue. If you think it's right, then do it. See what happens.
And if you're not going to do it, then you should be able to find the answer out yourself.
I think youre either looking for an argument or a date with my hammer. to the mods: hammer here is used as metonymy for my sister. to Ramen1020: no, i seriously mean my hammer.Okay, Tegan, you caught me. Im not a philosophy student, i'm just a guy on a computer who reads a little philosophy but isn't a pro at it. But i did become a christian because of kirk cameron and a banana. Its a good argument, plain and simple.[QUOTE="themountaindew"][QUOTE="PeaceChild90"]
I just read through all 13 pages and I LOL'd.
...You're a philosophy student, but that video with the banana and kirk cameron made you become a Christian?
I'm sorry that you haven't studied symbolism in school.... I suppose this means you also believe that during the End Times, monsters of every sort and variety are going to be coming out of the ocean, along with dragons and pretty angels playing trumpet?
I mean, pretty much. Haven't you heard of Occam's Razor, eliminates the need for symbolism here.Okay, Tegan, you caught me. Im not a philosophy student, i'm just a guy on a computer who reads a little philosophy but isn't a pro at it. But i did become a christian because of kirk cameron and a banana. Its a good argument, plain and simple.I just read through all 13 pages and I LOL'd.
...You're a philosophy student, but that video with the banana and kirk cameron made you become a Christian?
[QUOTE="themountaindew"]Fossils. Either dated wrong, assembled wrong, or planted by the devil. Noahs ark did happen.SteveTabernacle
Man, I was right, you delivered the goods. But hey, don't mind me, obviously Satan sent me here to test your faith, right? The biblical account of Noah's Ark is just flat out physically impossible. The idea of Satan prancing around planting fossils that are shown to be much older than six thousand years is a laughable at best explanation. Honestly, I'm starting to think you're just trying to be funny with me or something. Statements like that are flatly impossible to take seriously.
I answered your question. Now youre saying my answer's not good enough? In the bible, satan is shown to have many powers, trickery highest of them all.[QUOTE="hiphops_savior"]One of the reasons why polygamy went on back in ancient times is because women at that time are considered nothing more than prized commodities, and the more wives a man have, the higher their social standings. Of course, if one wife is favoured more than the others, at best it'll bring tension and jealousy toward that wife, worst case is that they start scheming and backstabbing each other just to gain the husband's favour. There are a few exceptions, however, men might marry widows to support them financially when widows at that time have absolutely no rights whatsoever. Of course, with social welfare and greater rights, polygamy is no longer necessary in terms of financial support.wintermute0
Aren't women still just prized commodities?
yes, or they should be.
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