gamespot is wrong and i need help plz give me + to thsoe two reviews brother in arms and pscyhotoxic, jsut to meaningless games and a lame blog but i need help if you read the reviews, hmm you find it amusinsg!
ok this guy was propably doing something before his review!
1. that author ahsnt palyed the game
2 ALL the levels are awesome, thats waht the game is known for
3 no major bugs the only thng i spotted is that some times SOME SPECIFIC levels crash durng loadsceens, well nothing stops you from running the game again and and laoding that level again (its 100% sure it wont crash) or you can apply the patch!
4 IT GOT TO BE LONG IF YOU DONT LIKE THE GAME DONT REVIEW, so since then in 2005 we get short games! but this is long, appreciate it !
5 quicksave and load is quick unlike brother in arms that takes ages and it still does even in new pcs but phychotoxic loads right away!
6 graphs, i wonder in what crappy pc and what vga he used as you can see in the screenshots the graphs are FAR better than brother in arms that came at the same date so tell me look at the screenshots and tell me which one looks better? hell this game got good physiques if you blow something up it will break , and boxes and corpses will fly on the air, juddgin by this game good perfomance and ageia physx high requirements fo the same physiques while i think those were amazing , eg brother in arms came out at th same time but it didnt even have physiques!, bulletholes are cool too!
7 sound ok voice acting kinda suck but so does in brother in arms i mean these guys say one two words like they reading it from a book!!! they dont even act they sound mega fake, at some points...jesus AOUCH MY EARS
but the ambient sounds are cool and scary, while at the same time you dont even hear the birds flying or the sea wave in crysis!!!!!! so i guess that does it, ALSO the musisc is pretty cool both the music at the menus and the levels, damn new games dont even have music!
8 story you got angela prophet which is one of the coolest female characters i ever seen and you are at the beggining of armagedon in new york, turns out that you are muhc more important than you think, (i wont spoil the story) and you gotta stop the leader of a cult, needless to say that its in new york and a cult in aramgedon is really cool, so it turns into a conspiracy and police fbi and swat chase you, hmm kinda reminds matrix,
9 level design, well the inside areas are all inspired from hal life th best fps ever and the snowy new york aleys areas(imagine all that action back there) are really cool or all that chase inside the buidings and rooftops or a level that reminds matrix or the warehouse in the docks from which you go to a frgate full of soldiers, after you descand with a crane, or the next level that you are on a chopper with a machinegun!!! or the central park level! OR the dream levels like hell that beats the crap out of doom 3 hell leve or the inside the dream level or pain, the torture level that a scream like serial killer chases you inside a old your dreams!!!!! or the atlantis level that after it you get inside the naftilus submarine!!!! so tell me what is better this or the doom 3 and fear lame similar corridos or the brother in arms green landscape thats filled with bushes to create cover? or the crysis almost but not quite jungle areas?
10 the gameplay, you runh around in order ot avoid getting hit two pistol hits are enouth to kill an enemy and 3 for armored, ofcourse there elite oponets, the game has 25 levels maybe more while crysis eg has 11 ! the gamepaly dosnt have any puzzles just move and shoot like doom 3
OLDSCHOOL GAMEPLAY NO REALISM there also pickups like invisible anda armor or slo mo, yes it aint power so its kinda lame and yes the ending is lame and yes the sneak in airforce one is lame, but hey you giht in airforce, about bugs i cant recal anything maybe cuz it doesn have anything annoying like problems with checkpoints in turok!
One of the Best fps i eve played!
ok so cod came in 2003 and it has better graphs - 1, 8.9
cod had much better weapon aiming or i cant explain the fact that the newse BIA uses that -1, 8.8, doom 3 had far better graphs, -2 ,8.6,
all the texures in game look kinda blinear, why it get that good graphs for the bloom- like , not even bloob, cartoon ****green bushes that work as walls to take cover and not being allouwed to get out of the levels!, check a game called Psychotoxic it has better graphs with physiques you can actually blow up stuff break them and see corpses fly and boxex fly, unlikely brothe in arms doesnt even ahve physiques or bulletholes A GAME IN 2005 DOESNT HAVE BULLETHOLES? is this console game from ps2? YES... ehmm i meant ps1, it had bulletholes, n64 yup emmm gameboy color, looooool ! that bad?
Now sound the voice acting is awful i mean he screams T-a-K-e ME t-Akeee meeee, BANG a tank blow him away, thank god, jesus aouh my ears, they read those words from a book not eve acting, they sound so fake!
Another thing is that the game is REALLY SHORT i am not kidding here its really short, now gameplay, ehmm very realisitc first i aim at someone and i figuire out that the weapon aim is garbage it takes the whole screen and it zooms in, also you a TRY to aim because the character is propably tom hanks from rescue private rayn and has parkinso, the weapon aim shakes up down left right,l ike the main character got PARKINSON!!!, also one rilfe hit is not enough you gotta shoot again, the only way you realize that you shot a german is that he will start strafing in order to move from his position, ver realistic, so i enter a room with a pistol( there quite a few inside areas mostly is rip off of outside areas in cod!) so i get in that room and:
he shoots me before he sees me because they always now where you are i shoot him once with pistol he shoots me bcak i shoot again and move around and walls to dodge while he does exactly the same in order to dodge like and unreal bot, he is geman not XAN form unreal touranment, at this point i had hard time hiting him mostly becasue of the zoomed view that fills the whole screen and i cant see crap, and this guy doenst feel anything he just rearms his kar 98 with out even look like it, so you shot him not shot him its no diffirence! the guns look very dumb but they sound cool, also the grenades are limited like you play a survival horor game and you cant order your squad to throw grenades, very limited and very realisitc game, pfff also no sprint in order to move to cover and no crosshair without the weaponj aim, but you can set it in options, especially the unreal tournament crosshair that the designers allow you to choose in options indicates that the designers are amateurs and this is more than a mod than a game, also the laodscreens are way too long and those screens are low detailed showing bad graphs and the loadtin times take ages even in a quad core cpu with a 1024mb card, ? yes i got a 1024mb card, there are many models with that much memory so my 8600 gt doesnt perfom better than 8800 gt BUT it loads levles faster thanks to memory, but not on this game!
FInally the only reason this game get a 9 is the fact that you can flank the enemy , well let me tell you 2 things, first nowadays people dont care about ideas but for graphs, now i dont mind the graphs!
secondly the maps are LAME imagine this a green map filled with bushes and fences around in order to not allow you to get out of the level and they use those two like gamespot says in "the movies" guide, lay crap around to look nice, well thats what this game does it lays bushes and fence around to sue as cover it aids strafing germans behind them that you can hit no matter what, so what you do is order a squad to keep firing and unload guns on them , so you can send a second squad to run at them and kill them, BUT
1 itill the half of the game you got 1 squad and you got to get there by yourself!
2 they know where you are so they stand up as you get clos...from the left right or behind, and they kill you right away, and dont think you gotta a wide are to maneveur, you got a room lke outdoors are cover by bushes and sometims fences!
another thing is that maybe guns are way too innacurate and you got parkinson, but you cant increase your aim by aiming with your weapon, you jsut get aim,. if you duck you gotta stay awy from cover to aim cuz if you duck behind cover you cant see the enemy as you understand, and you cant prone either, os in order ot give an order i got to get uo and get hit, also maybe guns are bad but with a machinegun or a sniper, youll never miss!
i tried once to take some guys out with a rilfe , mabe my suqad was flanking them and my second squad was running at them to kill them, and i was going behind them, but no matter they were flanked, they shot donw my squad and when i got behind them i already got hit ??? the-what? when did tha happen? at some pint i was moving so superhumanly fast that i was shooting at the wall i was taking cover with my auto aind strafe shoot out cover to the enemies nest so i killed a couple of guiys nad wasted 4 hits of health and eventually get killed by trying to hit one guy that was palcing every shot in me whil i was headshoting him and strafing around, and he soht me 4 times with kar 98, NICE AI VERY REALYSTIC, istill ahvent figured out how did i got killed from a kar 98 rilfe, and how did i got shoted or even if i got shoted at really, well am dead crappy unreal ai, wait 2 minutes to alaod the latest check point, zzzzzz! oh and when the game says that my squad is smart and can engage the enemy then i got to tell ya that i order them to take cover and they start shooting and take fire or the tank , take those guys out to the left, yes the machinegun take it out cuz if i am behind bushes i llget killed, i got a whole squad and a tank why it ahs to hit me 1 mile away, also here id like to say thad dumb objectives like clear the poles in the landing field so the flyer can land and machinegusn placed around without flanks and no support, also when i order the tank take thsoe guys out i dont mean to go all the way up and get blown by the anti tank but kill the guys to my lfet that am aiming, also while am on the tank and i say go there or take those out i dont mean turn the whole tank around and expose me to fire and then turn back around and go there after i die, or when i say you go left and you flank him from right i mean DO it and not stick to the ground, or when i say fall back 3 FREAKIN TIMES I MEAN FALL BACK AND NOT ADVANCE TO THOSE MACHINEGUSN AND ANTI TANK AND GET BLOWN AWAY! Or the fact that you gotta take 3 tanks by yourself and they need 5 rockets each, or seein my squadmates take hits in the defend the town level, but not dying or being able to contorl them and it take hit, by the way i dont know where my squad was on that level by i order thaem anyway and they died, but nothing happen, only the rest of the troops were there anyway, another thing is that the situation awareness view is REALLLY hard to control and pret fullstrating and doesnt hlep to see the falnks an everything i said so far it jsut NOT REALLISTIC! well in the last mission we defend a small ridge, knida, well small very small and there isnt any hill 30 so somehow the enemies find fallen trees in a plain area to take cover and after an explosion that i wake up somehow i got to find a tank on my my own so i need to get thru a machinegun placed with sandbags aiming at me leaving the ridge from the left, 1 what it odes doing there aim at my alies why thye palce it there and 2 how the hell did they oalce it there and the sandbags nest during the DAMN BATTLE???? so after that i got to avoid one tank to the left and one of the right, am defendless, i dont ahve even grenades to get behind the tank climb up and throw a grenade into by the UNLOCKED hatch, jesus if my alied tanks iv found later just didnt miss that often , so i think i shake them and somehow iv gonne thru the bushes cover and the tank blow me awasy, BUG! it looks like a game from 2001 and its totaly overated and not real, congratolations you acn flank the enemy but EVERYTHING else grapsh sound guns gamepaly levels, is a medicore 5.0 game!
dont mind these are backup!
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