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thenewau25 Blog

my vga card

my freaking graphs card is point of view gfoce 8600 gt 1024mb but the damn 7 series perfom better.... i am thinking of another one DAMN WHY DO THEY PERFOM BETTER MINE IS BETTER!

damn witcher

damn witcher i was playing the game just fine and enjoying the story and kinda hated the combat system but the damn crap corrupted my savegames and i dont know what to do?!

Crysis is crap

IT KILLS MY 1024MB VIDEO CARDS ON MEDIUM AND THE GAME SUCKS AND ITS NOT AN OLD CLASSIC 9.5 PFF before i start i got to say that the graphs are not that amazing expect you got a hell of a pc so you can handle the directx10 graphs on full so it looks like those screenshots now the game is passable, the story has been told again and again however it has many bugs and many times the objectives are incomplitable , CRAP the guns are few and crappy many times you shoot in the head and the enemy doesnt die the enemies move left- right with a crapy ai wai that sucks and you can hit anything you reload again and again finnaly you run out of ammo, and the weapons are too innacuarate, CRAP and not reallistic, aparently the game sucks! the ai doesnt know to do anything else than than see you and hit you from a hundrend miles away, so if you hope for any far cry moments that you ll duck and mark someone with your binoculars and kill him...FORGET IT this game sucks its a tech demo and totaly crap! the ai doesnt just stand still and see you and shoot you right away and the screen instupidly turns red and you lose all your shield with one hit CHESSUS! anyway the sound, nothing special really... i mean you just shoot a machinegun and you get KKAKAKAKK BRROOOMM, KAKAKKKAKKBROMOOMM, LAME isnt it? ooh and the machinegun cant hit crap and its too innacuarate and its getting hot eight away so you cant kill not even a signle enemy, especially gunboats the game is stupid the whole singleplayer doesnt have any action! the nanaoabilities are useless seriously you grab someone and choke him but his face doesnt look real and doesnt move at all like a picture...cheesus! the speed is reducisly fast and runs out to fast, you cant feel free in the jungle, if you sprint you can move sideaways, strafe sprint? and if you jump while sprinting it will float in the air, WTF this is a bug! ig you grab something from the ground eg a bird it will keep using his eating animation when YOU ARE HOLDING IT....WTF IF YOU THROW IT IT WILL HIT THE GROUND AND WONT FLY AWAY, HOW MUCH DOES IT WEIGHT 1 TON, also you ll see a lot of crabs and birds wont fly away, WTF if you shoot a barrel it wont explode but if you punch it... well... ok a stupid enemy tries to shoot me with the machinegun and he hits the explosive barrel and the whole hut is blown up an THE CELLING IS UNDER THE MACHINEGUN....WTF or should i say that if you throw a turtle at a rock it will stuck on it or if you shoot it it wont break, ohh i grab a plastic water bottle and i throw it at the water, well i dint hear a splash or a bloom and the plastic bottle didnt float it hit the bottom CHEESUS IS THIS PHYSICS? BECAUSE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT PHYSICS WHEN THIS 9.5 CRAP HAS AWFUL ONES the camouflage shoot runs out fast when moving so you got to prone and move as slowly as possible to las for longer, also if you shoot it goes of, CHEESUS IT SUCKS and enemies can see you! the multiplayer if you get a good framerate its a mix of cs and battlefield with everything destructable but n ot cery reallistic and the suits abilities... fall off the game THIS GAME IS NO BETTER THAN ANY MEDICORE GAME, GRAPHICS DONT MAKE THE GAME AND IT SUCKS MY RATING 5.5

best singleplayer fps ever

1 Half life 9.6 :D exelent game

2 deus ex 9.4 8) best conspiracy story and freedom in the longer fps ever

3 far cry 9.2 :shock: most reallistic combat ever

4 psychotoxic 9.1 :question: WTF no bugs the movement is ok EVERY LEVEL IS AMAZING so why it got rated bad?

5 red faction 2 9.0 :o A-M-A-Z-I-N-I-N-G UNSTOPPABLE ACTION!

5 solider of fortune 8.8:) OLDSCHOOL killing!

6 star wars republic commando 8.5 :idea: cutting edge visuals sound and tactics

7 halo 8.2 ;) no crap like puzzles of fake moving unreal- quake ai no bosses or search of where to go next reallistic enough!

8 unreal 28.0 :lol: bad then awesome now a cutting edge story and long enough, immersive, but it was bad when reallesed, an example of how bad fps are now at days!

9 quake 2 7.8 :x the unstopable tension which makes it playable even now, well simply nice designed areas and not short

10vivisector 7.5 :roll: well ok bugs crashes bad gameplay.. graphs , but the story is cutting edge the areas and the sound i mean, just like reading a book about a mysterious island

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