[QUOTE="thenewau25"][QUOTE="Delius"] I got the game on release day, and to be honest I am enjoying the game. Here's my problem, at the moment it's averaging 88 out of 100 (Metacritic) from professional reviewers. Maybe it's just me, but I just don't see the game being any more then a 70 to 79 at most. Everything about this game is solid but very average, and I don't see anything new or innovative.
What is particularly mind boggling is pc gamer's 94 out of 100... WHAT?! Is that a joke? Could someone please tell me how this so-so romp through Africa warrants a 94 from a major publication?
ok lets see first it has 50 km of worldmap, have you seen many fps like that? or so nive looking areas? you can drive around and explore and not follow linear paths like crysis( couldnt think of another outdoors fps with vehicles) eg and shoot enemies while you are in a vehicle, unlikely far cry 2 you dont have to go from that road you gowhereveryou want and unlike games like stalker that pretedn they got a worldmap this game HAS a worldmap and its huge allowing you to go everywhere in a pretty wide scale, not eg like stalker or crysis, keep pressiong forward but in 360 degreee of possible paths you dont drive around to shoot enemies, its like gta an open ended game that you drive and explore in africa like you are really there and not shoot enemies that were placed in the specific path you got to follow like its a simple singleplayer fps, this game doesnt have levels but a whole belivable world and there is simply no reason to place enemies here and there, also the weapons are real and jam and eventually break the ai reacts reallisticly everything breaks and you can bunr vegetation which is something NEW AND INNOVATIVE
you are on your own but you can fool enemies by using tactics or get someon to help you, if you get injured you must heal yourslef by pulling bullets out or re position you leg after a fall, there are no unreallistic monsters in the game, this game seems so real even when you open a door or how your character can sleep and try attacking at night now how the hell those things aint new and innovative, 5 years now we havent seen a fps with so big map so many weapons or simmilar setting or burnable vegetation, so what you post is simply A JOKE the game worths a 10 or a 9.5 just like the gtaiv the game is so complete, to put it this way what is more complete stalker? or crysis? that dont even have a decent worldmap? there are not complete also gears of war as i checked in your profile has nothing new and innovative it simply copies killswitch in a bad way, also its far from complete levels weaponry use story there are all uncomplete and i dont see a reason for a higher score than 7 the graphics are old and no psychics also totaly linear moving, stalker is also a game that you progress from the begining to the end now worldmap just levle 1 and move on to level 2 with not a proper story! crysis now is a game that gives half of waht promised first of all unlike far cry 2 the gunplay is unreallistic and unproper second the ai is not reallistic proper and finnaly you supose to be on an island so you should be able to get lost in the jungles and hide and not go from the main road, but guess what there is no island its just levels that you go from point A to point B and not whereever you want, actually there is not 360 deggree approach to a way inside an enemy base you get in by the main entrace or a seconde way in which is mostly behind th base and you cant get there because there are no jungles around the base but mountains to clsoe your possible paths and ho in by the main entrace, unlikely in far cry you can go by sea or by snipping and going down from the mountains, another thing is that in crysis you start from the a specific point eg NW and keep moving forwad but in far cry 2 you can go SE and start playing from there thats a belivable worldmap not levels, you post is completly wrong!
OK first paragraph:
1. True, no fps I can think of, but as you've pointed out, the GTA series did this to death. So we have a first person GTA: Africa. I would also like to point out that one of the major complaints that I (and many others) have about the game is the excessive traveling, realistic perhaps, but a fun killer in the end.
2. Granted the weapon jamming thing is a new thing to my knowledge, I'll give you marks for that, but to be honest I found this more annoying then anything. Again, I play games for fun, not realism.
3. Ok I take exception to anyone telling me this has realistic ai, NO FPS AI has been invented that even comes close to emulating a real person in a combat situation. Ask any soldier that's been in real world combat situations. I still say the ai is AVERAGE for a modern fps.
4. Everything is breakable just isn't true. The house's (more like shacks) can take a rocket, propane explosion, grenade, etc with no ill effects.
Second paragraph:
1. Ok, your going to go on and on about realism to me, then go on about the "healing" in the game. How many bullets do you think the average person can pull out of themselves in the run of a week before they bleed to death, get an infection, or go into shock? Come on now, I'm willing to buy the fun factor argument but if your going to pull the realism card get your facts right.
2. I'll give the game credit for the burning foliage, very cool but the only truly new thing.
3. I'm having a really hard time getting through the second paragraph, but I keep seeing that word "realistic". Lets take a look at a few things that kinda broke the whole realistic immersion for me:
- Getting shot multiple times, pulling the bullets out yourself, continuing to fight, then never getting to hospital. OH and you've got Malaria on top of it.
- Firing from the hip with any kind of accuracy, and aiming a rifle while standing with no drift at all.
- The only people in African war zones are overly aggressive militants.
- Finding randomly placed briefcases with convenient tracking devices.
- Firing an rpg at the support beam of a shack, getting a direct hit and not so much as a shingle fell off.
You are, of course, welcome to your opinion, but nothing you said convinces me that Farcry 2 is worth an 80+ score. I will also reiterate that I'm not saying FC2 is a bad game, Its a solid fps that I'll get many hours of enjoyment out of. I just don't think it's anything special.
Now about the comments that people made about your spelling and grammar (uncalled for in some cases :(). I'm the first to admit that mine are lacking, it's something that I'm still working on. Why do I work on my spelling and grammar? So people don't just dismiss what I'm writing, before they've actually read it. I took the time to read your post, unlike some others, because I did ask for your opinion but if I was reading another post I wouldn't have read it at all. If you want to get your point across to people, please consider doing the same thing I'm doing and work on your spelling and grammar. I look forward to arguing coherently in the future. :)
my turn there is a limit in fun and realism and balancing them is great, as for ai id say decent not everage, why? name a fps with bad ai, average ai great a,i and amazing ai? see not many compatitors and why all games got to have the same crap all over? about healing every game has healing, the designers do because they cant focus on ways to not take many hits like enemies missing yes the game is a bit like just cause rate as that not a fps, and finnaly so many new things how can you say you saw nothing new? simply you show nothing new you like, well i like nothing new in crysis!
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