@jonexotic: The mod support will be a shell of what is available on PC, even bethesda hasn't really explained how they will make it work. Also copyrights I am sure will be a factor in the console versions.
The video player for gamespot is much like life, a gamble! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't doesn't matter if you are on a 4 year old laptop or a 3K gaming PC, Gamespot works only when it chooses.. But the ads? The ads are totally unaffected by this.
What I think of the Starwars beta, there is a lot wrong here. This is not the starwars game I was looking for! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD6Iao0490o
@investor9872: ^THIS! It's not a battlefield game and it's not a battlefront game. It's a beautiful disaster! Had Dice and EA just reskined battlefield 3 or 4 it would have been a better game. If they copied Battlefront 2 and updated the graphics it would have been a great game.
What we got here is a huge, HUGE disappointment with little replay value me and my friends tried to form a party for 30 mins, before we gave up and went back to playing Battlefront 2.
@b00me: Honestly using Gas and food prices which is a slippery slop as a means of defending gaming companies for getting greedy Is a bad idea. As we all know the gas hike was a result in a war in Iraq which made NO sense! And the only thing that came of it is it made the rich richer and made a bad off country worse. Food cost were blamed on gas prices, and IDK where you live but gas had dropped from 4 dollars a gallon nationally to 2 dollars except in major cities such as LA where it's hovering around 3. So "gas has tripled in cost" is inaccurate at best.
Game development has gone up (yes), but you know what has gone down? The quality of most games. Look at starwars battlefront from EA and Dice. It's beautiful yes, but the game play isn't there. Most game companies spend major resources on how the game looks, Millions on promotion of the game. Who knows how much they pay reviewers to review games now. But if the machinama news story that dropped a few years back we know 40k for just one major gaming network.... I wonder what others get, you can do the math.
DLC is often planned or taken from the main games story or locked away on disk if you're capcom.
Now how come CDproject Red had free DLC? Where as to other companies charge for it.... WHY haven't they gone out of business surly that 16 free DLC's bankrupted them.... No wait, they made money off the Witcher and i plan on buying the Expansion packs.
There is a term you don't hear in the industry much anymore "Expansion packs" You hear microtransactions all the time!
Didn't rockstar make a billion of GTA 5? I highly doubt it cost them a billion to make.
I'm sure most of the gaming industry's issues is mismanagement of funds, Trying to make games mass appealing because they wont to get their hands on the casual gamer market the phone industry aka Apple has a strangle hold on.
You get those sheeple and you'll make millions, as Fallout shelter proved 5 million in lunch box sales. Because the phone market is full of people who need instant gratification and are willing to pay since they linked their credit card to itunes. Even Kim kardashian (I don't know how her name is spelled or care to learn) Made some ridiculous amount 43.4 million dollars..... I thought it was 27 million...
Of course developers are chasing that and blame us as consumers! I don't care if you are a PC gamer or a Console gamer, None of us are dimwitted enough to pay into microtransactions on that scale and game publishers are slowly learning that, but they aren't going to stop and long as people support them it never will.
Konami can go to mobile gaming they weren't making enough in gaming. Well How many games did konami have that were good between MGS releases?
Often good developers go out of business because they are swallowed up by companies like EA and are forced to meet deadlines and pump out something that is not their vision and when it does poorly they are canned..
Because company head's don't see people they see numbers, they are only concerned with their bottom line and what a competitor has made. The gaming industry is heading for another crash mark my words.
TheSpicyChiken's comments