Xbox one is running at 1360x1080 that's 2 thousand pixels more then running at 900P which is why it runs at a constant 60fps on the box Vs PS4 which is running at full 1080P. Will he average console gamer notice this? Barley. Please don't fool yourselves. I know the console guys have issues with PC gamer's, but if you haven't gamed on a PC on a monitor that can hit up to or more than 120 FPS regularly the frame drop between 46fps and 60fps is skate right by you. Both systems have their strong and weak points what does it all matter.
Finally why the xbox and ps4 looks close to it's PC counter part is because this game like most activison games are a straight ports to PC. As PC Gamers who play COD know, there are a multitude of things wrong with the port of COD:AW I wont get into, and I'm shocked no game reviewers on sites like these even touch on. O_o
I think people should know at the very lease your mouse speed is tied into the frame rate of your game. Over all if you are into COD you wont be disappointed, so whatever system you are on just enjoy the bloody thing.
By the time I pick this up for PC It will be under 10 dollars with all the DLC during a steam sale, plus there will be a boat load of Mods for PC. Sorry R*, but I've already paid full price for this game I wont be doing that again. Now If you really want my money Bring Red Dead Redemption to pc with this level of Overhaul and you'll get my money then.
TheSpicyChiken's comments