That may not be true to some mentally unstable individuals but these points are spot on. It all comes down to children and the responsibility of parents, not the game itself.
@Renunciation @Zero_Maniac It's more subtle than that. A seed could be planted when a child plays a game like this. You can't tell me that will never happen to at least one person in society. But thanks to the ratings, that blame is on the parents, not the game.
@ohjtbehaaave remapping controls for over a 1000 games doesn't sound easy to me. I'm not sure what's possible, but if only the gamepad can at least function as a classic controller. What is here though is a great start.
@adsparky There's a sensor bar on the gamepad, but it is a bit awkward if the game uses it extensively. Still works great for games that support the classic controller, like Xenoblade and the VC games.
@Pheonix985 It's not the system's power. It's just not a worthy investment to implement online at this point. And I don't blame Warner Bros. Splinter Cell Blacklist online on Wii U is basically dead. So what's the point?
@Stiler Heavy Rain didn't invent QTE but it sure as heck expanded upon the idea. Some people like it, some don't. Don't try to rationalize it. I don't like QTEs myself but this is still the best QTE game I've played.
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