I'm thinking of getting a PSP slim but I have a few questions.
1. Do I need a memory stick to save my game(s) or does is there build-in memory for that? 2. Does it come with the cable for video output? If not, what cable will I need? 3. Is there a new PSP around the corner or should I invest in this?
There aren't specific missions. It's typical Metroid Prime style where you run around huge environments solving some puzzles and shooting things. Like the above poster said you return to your ship to save. About halfway through each environment you'll find portals you can open that will transport you back to your ship and vice versa, that way you don't have to run back and forth.
1. Mario Kart DS 2. Super Mario 64 DS 3. New Super Mario Bros. 4. Metroid Prime: Hunters 5. Metroid Prime Pinball 6. Guitar Hero: On Tour 7. Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades 8. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
MPH is a great game. The single player doesn't quite live up to the console versions but considering its the DS I'd say they got enough in there. I mostly find myself playing multiplayer death matches against bots, but the story is still fun once in a while for a handheld Metroid experience.
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