why his comments are stupid!?he isn't wanting attentionhe was wanting to inform all of us about golden sun 3it's something bad with that?
once i was playing yu gi oh and the guy who was aggainst me actived a cheat that makes you havethe most powerfull monster in the hand(exodia) and he winned instantly i was depressed because that....other one was in zelda that makes you all the time link and at the end you win (not much fun when you can't win never)"stuck in the wall and died" hilarous
chibi rob-from chibi robo series-A=quick punch combo up,A=upwards kick down,A=scisors swing right,A=flower-like baseball bat stabB=shots water up,B=helicoper from his head down,B=brushes with tooth brush right,B=shots raibow flowersfinal smash=grown flowers everiwhere that at the touch they make serious damage
you aren't going to live when you complete all the stuff that are colectivethere are bugs,fosils,paintings,statues,t.v,evrithing that you would think of
Doki Doki Maji Shinpan it's a game about witch huntingyou have to find all the witches and release them from the human body they havei don't like it and you have to know a lot of japanese to play itit's very famous in japan because i'ts half erotic (not sure)
today s.e anounced 2 games the first one snoopy-minigame colecc.-pingu-minigam colecc.-so what is s.e thinking
OK they aren't going to put better media or something like that they wil put smething inovative like...errr....mental control?or..the pets can play too?
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