It's hatred built up, and the Arab countries are not the "ROOT CAUSE" of the whole problem.
To know whos' wrong, go to the root cause.
U.S. put up the Shah of Iran (puppet of U.S., killing thousands of Iranians that protested as advice from U.S.). This started a lot of the conflict, let's see..
U.S. puts up Shah of Iran ---> Iranians hate the Shah --> Iranian Revolution --> Rohollah Khomeini (Shia) --> Shia in Iraq getting erupted --> Saddham fears Iranian Revolution --> Saddham (Iraq) attacks Iran --> U.S. gets Saddham --> we are stuck in Iraq --> Iran still hates us from when we helped Saddham own Iran ---> hatred built up --> we support Israel despite their harsh reaction to the conflict ---> hatred built up --> more hatred --> more hatred --> WORLD WAR 3 (more nations join in the conflict)
The U.S. doesn't care about the world, first they go into Iraq cause of Weapons of Mass Destruction, then they say they want achieve Democracy there, war on terror, bla bla.
The U.S. only makes allies for ITS OWN BENEFIT, they dont give a **** about the rest of the world. They are allied with SAUDI ARABIA COUGH COUGH, why?! They are allied with ISRAEL cause they have the best military in the Middle-East (and is a strong ally military wise).
1971 - When East Pakistan (allied with India, Soviets) was at war with West Pakistan, where West Pakistan lost making East Pakistan into Bangladesh, THE USA WAS HELPING WEST PAKISTAN (despite their gov't doing some negative stuff, such as indian soldiers being imprisoned until 1988 (prisoners kept from a war 17 years before!).
The U.S. obviously doesn't care for Africa. They're allied with Saudi Arabia. What do you expect?
Oh..and zionists have a strong influence on the foreign policy of U.S. + the media. Zionists run Israel. Zionists are the next (german curse word starting with "n") pretty much.
The Shah of Iran, who was USA's puppet, also said that the Jewish lobby (zionists that dont practice judaism) has too much influence in the U.S, it's true.
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