I am unemployeed.
I was a CAD Drafter for 6 years. I worked at my father-in-laws company for those 6 years. I was paid well, and was good at what I did. I didn't really enjoy it so much, since it is not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but it paid really well, and I felt that I was contributing something to the city of Seattle, or even the state of Washington. When we completed things that ranged from the biggest, and best, casino in the State of Washington, the Tulalip Casino, to shopping centers that brought in work for hundreds of people, to simple platforms for ATM machines lol! All of it felt equally satisfying.
But there's no work. At least not enough right now to justify paying an entire office. Mind you, they (my in-laws) did not enjoy having to make the decision to have me laid off. It was actually a pretty hard to swallow Tuesday night dinner. Unfortunately, they decided to tell me the news untill after dinner, and if you have any idea what I went through, then you would know how nauseous I was afterwards. I just felt out of control. I was re-assured that technically I would not be losing money, on account of hiring my wife to help with office stuff. It's not great pay, nor very many hours, but it covers the loss that I take from being on unemployement. They (as do I) felt that it would be better this way because while I am looking for a job, I can focus more on my school work. It is nice to have the more hours a day to work on homework. You would think that things would be okay, but they are not.
Theres an odd feeling that you have when you are not contributing to not only your family, but to your society. For societies to work, it takes everyone doing their part. Employement is the lubricant for the well oiled machine that is human life. The second I felt that responsibility fade away, I felt like there was a hole in my chi, if you know what I mean. Basically my self worth took a dip in the Taylor stockmarket. The thing that bothers me the most about being unemployed is the fact that people can knowingly abuse this privelage, not right, that we called unemployement. I understand that some people may argue that they are intitled to it since they paid into it, and they are, but if this is your thinking about unemployement, then you cannot honestly understand what unemployement is, really? It's a government controlled buffer for your life. When luck takes a dump on you, this helps with the stress of it so you don't go and shoot your family, then yourself. Do you know what kind of havoc there would be if they were to take that program away? You would not have it witheld from your check, but something happen and you lose your job, you better hope that you saved money up for this, because unemployement checks would not exist.
But honestly, this is a gaming website, so lets move on to other events in my world. Because of the afformentioned problem, we come to where I have to make dramastic budget cuts in the state of tiggerboy. Gaming. Yes, I have been playing newly released titles, and I will for a while, but that is bacause I have invested into these titles just in case this ever happened. Every holiday I go to Gamestop, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and other game store, and I check out all the games that I can preorder, from January to December. Then I go home and basically make a list of the top games I am really interested in. I then research the known Special Editions at the different stores, find the ones that I like best, and prorder them at the selected store. I then tally up a calender on my computer of scheduled release dates, and prices. Then, based on the collected information, I begin the process of paying them off. Every check, a little on each title. By the time that the first game on my calender releases, I have it either already paid off, or so close that I have only a few more dollars to get the newest game.
Yes, I do all this, and it takes about a week just to start, but gaming is, and always has been, my one true hobby. Kids in my day collected baseball cards. I did to, but for a different reason. I found out that if I were to get some of the special players cards, and they were worth money I could sell them and get a gameboy game. For you youngins, back in the day, buying baseball cards was almost like gambling, you could make money off your luck with the cards lol!
Well, the waters not comin, and the well's drainin' up. Sounds like a country song. Basically, I think that Gears of War 3 may be in jeopardy. Oh whatever, just trade in some games and get the new one, you baby?! Thinking that? So does part of me, but the other part has trouble parting with games. I rarely buy a game, and think that it's horrible. I am about 98% accurate on my personal choice being as good as I expected. I do not buy games just to give them a chance to be good. Thats what the used bargain bin is for. I also don't get a game, finish it in a month, and be ready to trade it in. I play a game 'till its that top 40 song that won't get out of your head. I also play several different games at a time. It takes forever for me to beat a game, but I am never tired of any game that I am playing right off the bat. I just play what I feel like, and eventually will come back to it, and maybe even finish it. So by the time I feel that I can honestly part with a game, it's "worth" pennies. Forget selling them on eBay or Craigslist. If I needed money for bills I would, but I cannot get cash for them, then feel good about putting that cash on other games rather than bills or something of that nature.
After I graduate, I will be needing a job a.s.a.p.! But there's no work.
So, with all of this being said, and to those of you who have actually been reading all this (you are awesome in my book!) I come to the hard truth. Cutting back on gaming is probably not all I will be cutting back. I was fortunate enough to have the idea that stacking gold memberships because of the 25% or 50% sale that went on for christmas, so I am good until around doomsday 2012, but if I am not back to stable by then, I will not renew it again. I might also be cutting back on my internet, but that is only if things get really, really bad. I will also be cutting back on Gamespot.
Been here since 2003. That's a pretty long time. Been a part of gamespot longer than my marriage, including the year and a half dating period! Had ups, had downs, had outright blow-outs! But I have been faithful, and made tons of awesome friends on here! Some I have built such a relationship with that we exchange christmas gifts, and even travel to visit! I am talking to you James A.K.A. trekker1303 lol!
Focus is changing tho. I am in my final year of college. This time next year I will be a college grad with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Better yet, for game design! This is what I have always wanted to be. A game designer is my childhood firefighter. I always dreamed of creating a product that people will play, and maybe even enjoy! With that said, I have to have my head in the game, and in the books. I may check in from time to time, maybe even more than my last two posts, but I may not. I may not log on again for 3 months. Who knows. All I know is that Captain Obvious said that school was more important. Thanks Cap'n.....
So, as for The Xbox Live Gamers Union is concerned, I will be giving trekker1303 leadership, and only asking that if something happens and I am able to return, to be given back leadership. I also ask that if you, trekker1303, do not want it that you give it to Chris, BigC43, with him also aware of my sudden return, and the stipulation that follows.
Well. It's been real guys. I have way to many friends, so rather than try not to step on toes, I am just going to thank all 1,031 of you guys and gals that have made it my friends list. We may have not ever read eachothers articles, but the fact that you took a few moments out of your day to follow the b.s. that spills from my mouth, well that takes some kindness. And for that I thank you all. Who knows, you may one day play a game that I worked on. That would be cool. I will try to make all the games that I work on the best I can.
Heh, this place was on Kotaku once.....
Goodbye for now.
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