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tiggerboy Blog

Hey guys! Quick update

Man! I am excited that you guys want to play this game! We feel that its going to be awesome, and the best part, YOU ALL GET IT FOR FREE! Thats right, I will be giving you all a copy of the game for free. Of course this will be a while from now, since we are designing, programming, and creating this game on our own.

I drew up some concept designs and everyone loved them, so they went with them.

Say hello to "scrap" (working name)

He will end up looking different, since this is just a concept drawing. I have a ton of action poses, but they are at my office, so I drew this one up real quick for you guys.

All I know now is that he is a small robot that is on a space station, and this evil robot lord has come and taken over the ship, and its up to him to stop the evil horde.

He is also a repair bot, nothing special. He is armed with basic tools.

The evil boss has torn the ship apart repairing his own ship with the parts, so you must fix the ship up so that you can progress from one area to another.

Its a work in progress, but thats what we have so far.

Well, I gotta get back to modelling and concept drawing.


Expect delays

No I do not mean at the airport, but rather here.

Some friends and I got permission By Epic that we could download their UDK (Unreal Developement Kit) and create a game that can be viewed and played publicly. Now anyone can actually do this from their homes, but since we are having the school fund feverything, then we have to develope the game partially at the school, and give them credit, so that meant having our chair (person in charge of the game design program, the "dean" so to speak) call them up personally and getting permission.....

Permission granted!

So we are going to be hard at that for some time, so I will not have much time to be doing anything for a while (this also means Xbox Livel, PSN, etc....)

So sorry guys, but this is very very important so I have to focus, so do not think that I "quit" the site or anything, I'm just on to something big.

I will check in once in a while and maybe make some comments and check my inbox, but the blogs are gonna be short, and few and far between.

Well guys, I gotta go, but I will talk to you soon.


A holiday full of learning

Hey guys!

I was sick as hell, but no H1N1. It was just a nasty cold. Feeling better now.

There are a few things that I learned while I visited my family in Michigan. Of course, if you guys live in the MI area, then you already know some of this.

1. The Amish are crazy! AND they have their own language! I was at an Amish ran grocery store that is up the road from my grandpas house, and Michelle and I walked by an Amish couple, and they sounded like they were speaking in tongue! Aparently its called Pennsilvanian Dutch. Who knew?

2. 3 foot thick ice on a lake will hold a car! I always wanted to see people ice fishing. So one day we went to a nearby town that is known for its big lake. I saw several cars and "shantys" out on the frozen ice! I was told that the ice is thick enough (at 3 feet) to hold up plenty of weight! Aparently there is a big festival called "tilt up town" Where the entire town MOVES ONTO THE ICE! AND THEY HAVE A CARNIVAL COME TO TOWN WITH FREAKING ROLLER COASTERS! ON THE ICE! No thanks!

3. Ihave a family full of gamers! I met many family members for the first time, and they are all AWESOME! All of them play video games. Even my 80 year old grandpa plays the video games on DirecTV's Game Lounge. It was awesome!

4. Washington has an accent. Aparently I have an accent. Many different family members said that I had an accent that they had not heard before. I had no idea that I did, but I guess we do.

5. There are Snomobiles that are faster than sports cars. Yeah, one of my cousins takes pride in the fact that he has a couple of racing Snomobiles. We went riding on them, and they are scary fast! I was going down a long stretch of groomed trail, and decided to floor it, and was going over 120 MPH in a matter of seconds! It was insane!

6. I get home sick. Never knew of this, but I was there for a week, and it was never above freezing the whole time, and there was 10 inches of snow on the ground at all times. I realized that by the time we had to fly back, I was so happy to go home. I loved visiting my family, but I really love Washington, and was ready to come home.

Well, the holidays are over, but I am not sad. I had a good holiday season, and am ready for the sunshine and warm weather to come back!

I will end on this note. I got Darksiders, and its so much FUN! Its not the most creative and innovative game to ever hit the shelves, but it sure is fun to just crush ass everywhere! Awesome game, I highly recommend it.

Well, I gotta go for now, but firsta couple ofquestions, How was your holiday?! Did you get what you wanted?

Let me know. Later!

I'm really sick

Hey guys. Just a quick heads up.

First, I got back from Michigan. Had a great time visiting with the family. BUT, one day we went snowmobiling and that evening I had the "sniffles".

Now I am full blown sick. I have lots of people coming over for a party so I am gearing up to not be artound them too much. I told them all that I had a bad cold, but they didn't care, theywanna party, so its on.

stupid photobucket...... I hate them! Will fix my banner soon, but I gotta go back to bed.

Hope that everyone had a great Christmas, and has a safe New Years!

Later guys!

Happy holidays, and NEW TOYS!

First off, I hope that everyone has a happy, and safe, holiday.

I am flying out tomorrow at 1:30, so I will not be on for about a week. We are going to visit my grandfather in Michigan, and hes 80, so he does not have a computer. I don't even know if I will get any reception.

Also, I got some KICKASS stuff the last couple of days!


Yeah, thats an ARCADE GAME!

AND.... it works!

It's a little rough around the edges, and it could use a little TLC (one buttons messed up, but I gotta guy that works on these things for a living thats gonna fix it up for me) but other than that, its sweet!

Oh yeah.... I got it for $50....... killer sweet!

Last night we had Christmas at Michelle's parents house, and I got plenty of clothes, football jerseys, and gift cards, but my wife got me the coolest gift of all....

Yeah, thats a 12" Marcus Fenix! His armor lights up! My wife knows me all to well.

Well, I gotta finish packing up, so I will leave you with this;


Some new additions to the gaming family

So I was wrapping gitfts, and I thought I would take a little break and let you guys see a couple of new systems that I purchased recently.

First up:

Yup, FINALLY got a God of War PSP. I should have got it when it was new, but someone traded this one in at my store, and fortunately they took great care of it. The screen just appears to be scratched because of the LED screen cleaner I just used on it, but actually its damn near mint! The PSP logo on the front has some very minor nicks, no biggie tho.

This my friends is a little known gem called the JVC X'EYE. I got this on eBay for a very respectable ammount ($70 bucks I think?). You can read some info on this system HERE, since I am too lazy to type it all up.

I got this a while ago, but while I was taking pics, I thought I would share this with you.....

This is that wierd TV tuner thing that I was telling you about for the GBA Advance. It completely works, but unfortunately all channels went digital, so I cannot pick up anything. I have got some sound before, but the picture is still all fuzz....

Well, thats all for now, I will be going to work soon, so I have to get ready.


Saboteur will wait, and other stuff

Hey guys;

After reading the comments of the last blog, I will wait and play it later. No rush right now. Thanks for the input guys!

Michelle and I selected a family for our annual Holiday-Game-Giving-Extravaganza (working title)! I will reveal the selection later. To qualify, you must have a child (No, not just be like one, own one) the PLAYS VIDEO GAMES. Last year, MsCortana wasour pick. Her kids recieved a Gamestop gift card.

I have not been on live lately because I am trying to finish God Of War II. I am now fighting Zeus. Hes a real bastard. Will probably finish him off tonight and start playing AC II. I am close to finishing it, need to get that game done so that I can get to my other games.

Well, thats all for now. I will talk to you guys later.

To get or not to get, you decide!

Okay, should I pick up the game The Saboteur? I have a buddy that was playing the game to review it for a website, and he was telling me how it was surprisingly a good game, and that it will most likely be the last one of this year.

Sooooooooo, should I even bother? OR should I just play what I got and wait?

I am sort of leaning for the ladder, but I figured it would be more fun if I let you guys decide.

So, if most of you state that I should get this game, then I will go and buy it, but if not, then I will not.

The fate of the 80 bucks in my wallet is in your hands!

Avatar, check. Rogue Warrior, check.

They both are garbage, check.

I did not like either one. I checked out Rogue Warrior, and immediately went to my friends house to play it. After about 45 mins, I was so disgusted in this title, that I took it back to the store to tell them that it was garbage. I then checked out Avatar. It too was crap, not as bad as Rogue Warrior, but I have better games to play.

A friend of mine says that I am being too harsh. Honestly, I probably am, but in a market that competetive as the gaming one, and with all the titles being roughly the same price, you have to be tough on the ones that don't deserve to be that price, especially when there are much better titles for the same coin.

Anyways, yeah you can rent them to see for yourself, but I was not impressed.

I just got the flying maching in AC II, its awesome!

Anyways, later!

BTW, I saw this and thought it was funny. Watch closely or you might miss it......

Enough games to last me the winter!

Hey guys!

I have realized that I have not been talking about gaming on here too much. I will try and not bore you with my personal life from now on, though the occasional rant may pop up here and there!

So, gaming;

Finally beat Modern Warfare 2. What an epic ending! I thought the game was great! I thought that I took my time with it and enjoyed it, but after I was done, it only took me 5 hours and 40 minutes. Very short, but good none the less. I have seen that a few of you have finished it on veteran, well more power to you, I did it on normal and thought that at times it was a pain in the ass. Might try it one day, but for now I will focus on the MP and getting to 70. No I am not prestiging, I like the guns more than I like the "not so pretty" emblem. Sorry Jbul, not meaning to point you out or anything......

I have been very engrossed in both Assassins Creed II, and the God of War collection. The AC II is amazing. I am loving the quests and trying to find all the glyphs and find out what the hell the "Truth" is has become my motivation. I am liking the main story, but I really wanna know what is up with the wierd videos that are obviously out of order...

God of War II is God of War II. Its amazing and never gets old. I never unlocked all the treasures in the treasure room (no, not MJ's treasure room....).

With all this said, I have been neglecting Dragon Age: Origins. My buddy Jbulhas been getting into it (readhis blog) and has made myRPG craving get stirred up. I think that after AC II I will imediately move back to this game.

Of course, there is also finishing up Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time, and Uncharted 2.

The new games that I mentioned in the last blog, hell they may never get played. Though one day I will probably put them in and play.....

I am going to check out Rogue Warrior from gamestop today. I am curious if this game is any good or not. Have not heard too much as of late. I will try it tonight and post about it tomorrow.

Michelle and I have been playing the New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Man its a pretty tough game! Michelle keeps getting pissed at me because I will go to get something at the same time she does, and she gets knocked into a pit of death or into a bad guy.... oops. Oh well, all is fair in love and war!

I think she hates me anyways, since she brought home an ENTIRE FREAKING SEASON OF FULL HOUSE AND SAVED BY THE BELL! Why?! WHY?!

Well, thats about it for now.
