People wouldn't be complaining about this review is it weren't for the fact that it was rated worse than Gone Home by a biased critic. If any other critic on this site had reviewed Gone Home, it would have gotten a lower score, and GTA V would probably have been 9.5 or even a 10.
To play Diablo's advocate...if the alternative was for the price of games to be raised to $150, so that devs could try recouping the losses of piracy, would you be in favor of that? Brand new games are still coming out at early '90's prices even though the production costs are sometimes in the tens of millions or higher. It's a pain to require an online connection, but if that's the trade-off to keeping costs down for the consumer, it is worth it imo.
Shucks, I should probably start playing this game. I got it for free and spent maybe an hour on it before I got bored. Seemed like every line of dialogue contained the words "falling" and/or "star".
@DarkZ4 If the parts about rampant cheating and being able to loot items that players paid real money for are true, you'd have to be a schmuck to defend this game.
I must have misunderstood when he said that he was going to be writing the review for this game, which I thought was his "normal job", after playing it for about 70 hours. The Livestream is very nice and I have enjoyed it. I was obviously kidding but I'm happy that it provided you with the opportunity to tear your shirt open and become **trumpet chorus** The Valiant Defender. Stand tall! Stand proud! Deliver us from sarcasm!
Aw geez, Kevin, I was really looking forward to today's live stream! I'm sorry that you're too ill to play a video game. It's cool that you have that kind of a job, though, where you can kick back and rest whenever you're not feeling quite up to it.
"Get well, get well soon, we wish you to get well!"
timthegem's comments