@alastor529: What's sad is that a lot of people have spent more than that on Candy Crush over the years.
@simonthekid7: The games they add normally outweigh what's leaving. Most people have never heard of the games that are leaving this month.
That's still a bargain when you consider how much playing value and depth the game will likely bring. If it costs $70 five years after release, that's a different story, but this is Nintendo after all.
Sounds like it would be a solid Phase 14 movie, right before the lowly anticipated Adventures of Blob & Toad.
Is that her actual dialogue in the game or was this intended as a joke? Well played, if so. Legit LOL.
@iguanas14: There are Atari 2600 games that have less repetitive combat than DA:O. If they try to bring that snoozefest back, they deserve to fail.
It's such a weird game. I've never lost a match even though I barely made any effort. And I once lost a chess game to a chimpanzee.
timthegem's comments