Am I dreaming? Just when I thought my Switch would be enough to tie me over til the PS5 drops comes this after losing all hope… now its official - getting PS4 & new TV.
The day I invest in a gaming laptop will be when I can play it in 4K ultra settings & not have to worry about it melting or battery dying in 5 minutes. So another 5 years maybe?
The eShop would make a lot more sense if they started adding actual Nintendo games that ppl might not mind playing…but instead they’re reserving them all for their gimmicky ass Classic consoles in hopes you'll buy them instead
"We remain focused around a highly connected gaming experience and also coupled with having a great range of other entertainment experiences so you can reach multiple people on the big screen in the household."
Then there’s the market by the hundreds of thousands who’re more less interested in this, which is why the Switch/3DS has been such a success despite its shortcomings.
Consoles, as well as TVs are only more appealing to those who do nothing else but stay home all day or just work your typical 9-5…even those type can benefit from having a portable device, whether its just to get away from their unhappy marriage or evil kids that are hogging up the TV, etc. Mobility & convenience will always be the way of the future, but Sony can enjoy its console sales in the meantime.
@Sohereiam: And sometimes it can save your life or prevent problems from escalating.. you'd be surprised how many incompetent, arrogant doctors there are who them themselves are uneducated or not up to date on certain matters because they don’t “google” or continue their research, which is imperative in a world thats always changing & often times learning we were wrong about something.
Don’t expect all the “professionals” to have the time or initiative to learn or have the best answers for your particular situation, especially if their only answer is to pump you full of pharmaceuticals or other poison.
I’ve never gave a rats butt about Atari (before my time), but I’d still rather support this or have it over any of the Nintendo Classics.. its hands down the sexiest console ever made & I’ve been asking for some shit made of wood for YEARS!!
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