@spartan2777 @Bhemont If they hold to the timeline, this game takes place about 35 years before Rapture was built. Rapture was built after World War Two. Read John Shirley's novel Bioshock: Rapture on how it was built and fell into ruin prior to the first Bioshock game.
Was looking forward to this when I saw the first trailers. Less so when I saw some gameplay video. Now that I've played the demo (all three parts) I'm glad I decided not to preorder and instead am renting through Gamefly. Hope once the finished game is in my hands it will prove to be as good as I originally thought, but we'll see.
Liked this game, but didn't love it. Had some issues with the camera and the controls not always being responsive, which were some of the same problems I had with the first Darksiders. Also encountered some glitches, where NPCs didn't show up like they were supposed to or respond to commands like they were supposed to (actually had one character that was supposed to help in combat and just went and stood in a corner). Also found the constant fetch quests to be a little tedious. On the plus side, the game design looks great, the music and voice acting are terrific, and the story is fairly well done. Just didn't have as much fun with this as I hoped i would. It is better than the first, but only by a slight margin. would've given this a 7.5. Just my opinion.
Found this to be a silly but mainly fun game with a great soundtrack. It's unique enough to recommend at least renting, but not really well done enough that it's worth buying. Nice accurate review.
tjsmoke63's comments