Let me tell you something, I have absolutely fallen in love with Prey. It is one of the best gaming experiences around. I'll talk about the MP and SP impressions separately.
Single Player - Let me state the downside I see right now is it could end up short, but I'll take quality over quantity. The levels are laid out very well, and allow for some strategy. There seems to be something new and interesting continually happening. Overall though, it is a linear experience. Still, I could easily see myself playing through the game twice, as I have already played through the demo multiple times. It's a very engaging, cinematic experience.
Multiplayer - Some immediate comparisons can be made to Quake 4 and UT, but Prey is a different beast altogether, and a more enjoyable one at that. Here's why:
Constant gravity shifting: Seriously, going from the floor to the wall to the ceiling is a common occurance. It's the first game that I can remember that just running around the levels is entertaining in and of itself. It's something that you truly have to experience for yourself.
The weapons: The most inventive weapons in an FPS in quite some time. The weapons really add a lot to the experience, as they all feel unique and powerful in their own way. I especially love the animations unique to each weapon...VERY COOL!!
Leaving your body: To add another layer of complexity, along with a health meter everyone has a spirit meter. The more full it is, the more time you can spend outside your body. When outside your body, getting shot reduces your spirit level greatly, but you cannot die by getting shot as a spirit. You simply just return to your body. However, your body is completely vulnerable, so its best to not leave it out in the open. This just adds to the strategy you can use in the game.
Anything bad? Well, there isnt a whole lot of modes and I'm not sure how many maps. I really would liked to have seen more than DM and TDM, but I'm sure they will eventually release something.
Overall, the game is fantastic!!! Even if the single player is short, you will still probably play through it twice, and the multiplayer will keep you coming back for a long while.
Final Verdict: MUST BUY!!! It's a AAA game all the way!
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