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tlutz12's forum posts
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i'd love a new hitman on ps3, one of my favorite series ever
its been great so far. a few too many snipers for my taste, and a map or two lets people spawn camp your main base (which is very annoying), but other than these minor gripes its a great time. i love that the noob tube isn't all powerful like it is in CoD, people actually have to aim to get kills!! what a novel concept!
i've been just running/gunning as an assault class, haven't tried much in the way of the other classes or vehicles, and its still been amazingly fun. i still have all of those other classes and vehicles to try/master, the replayability is endless.
as for joining matches where you get your ass handed to you...that happens in any game. they make for good learning experiences if nothing else, and you can always leave them and join a new game pretty darn quickly. quit whining.
relax guys. the codes don't expire for a month, it'll be fixed long before then.
if you look at the bottom of the screen at the main menu there is a news ticker that says EA/DICE know about the in game store problem and they're working to fix it. chill out.
i have a fat 60gb and no problems
At the game's main menus there is a news ticker at the bottom of the screen saying that EA/DICE are aware the store isn't working, and they're trying to get it up and running. Just be patient and give it a day or so.
You enter the codes form the in-game store, not the PSN Store.
However, the in-game store is currently bugged. If you start up the game you will see a news ticker at the bottom of the screen saying EA is aware of the issue and working on it. Once they get it fixed, you'll enter the code in the in-game store and you'll get your VIP access and your AK74S/squad rush.
like i said, it took maaaaybe 7-8 hours to beat with the 'best' ending, i.e. not failing anything and keeping everyone alive. that time would be shorter if you had people die or didn't do all the challenges.
rent it on a weekend when you'll have enough free time and you can platinum the game in 2 days.
just rent it. i bought it and beat it in just 2 days of mild play time. its a great game alright, but not enough replay value to justify $60
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