Reboot the Silent Hills, I want a mystery game with well composed music and horror appeal. Make Silent Hills something dark but beautiful this time around, make it not not just a town but a state of mind drawn to the broken in spirit like Shattered Memories. Make the game not some random cliche but a serious on the edge of our seats kind of game that will leave us possibly heart-broken or simply happy to see closure to the story that was told.
@Gravity_Slave: My mental health is none of your business, wherever I work is also none of your business. Simply put anything about my personal life aside from what's in my initial comments on this subject are none of your business. May you live long by minding your business.
HAHAHAHAHAHAA, this article had me dying laughing out of my chair. The boy will be alright, I once saw at 7 years old on my brothers computer screen a video of Winy the Pooh being groped by a naked chick with big fat breast and Tiger was hitting it from the back; I was immediately corrupted.
You know if they had kept this information to themselves rather than blabbing it to the world then no one would have blinked and eye because they wouldn't have known. People like controversy in this world and the gaming industry is no different I see, you invite it and then claim ignorance as to how you've arrived at the point where you are.
Feminist wouldn't like me if I were a game developer, first off I make it clear that this is my creation, my vision and if they don't like then they can happily go procreate with some chimpanzees. I would challenge any movement that attacks my art made from my dreams.
tmthywtsn's comments