Their are some games that should never become open world and when I say this I'm referring to Zelda. This upcoming game has the most boring linear open world I have ever seen EVER! I swear I hated every moment of it as I watched the trailer. Sorry if this comment offends some fans but SERIOUSLY that was a major disappointment to me, RIP Nintendo... we will always have 3DS between us.
A little to late to start getting flexible with showing off the dynamics of the mutants FOX, you've had several opportunities to do so and used them all on Hugh Jackmen while putting so many others to waste literally. Hope the best for this movie but damn it's very late in the game now and possibly too late for many fans of the X-Men comics like myself.
Well now don't I just feel like a piece of crap for having upgraded from my old gtx 680 to a gtx hybrid 980 ti. Brought my card from Amazon on May 3rd for $740, guess I'll be checking their return policy.
@esqueejy: I do not know what that reference of Beevis means nor do I intend on replying to it.
Your explanation is valid and maybe I misunderstood it at first. I don't believe that GG folks are against SJWs when it comes to creating a female protagonist from the comic book universe, I think they only get pissed off when major alterations are made as means of completely overhauling the character and the world they came from in the comic books just to make quick rushed money based on advertisements an multiple trailer hyping, even when those changes come at the expense of the comics authenticity.
As far as DC beating Marvel to the punch with this movie well I think it would be best for them to hold their punches back and get more training at the gym, their last match didn't go down so well.
@esqueejy: If you think that DC is ahead of Marvel then you must be on crack cocaine. Dawn of Justice was a failure of epic proportions and you know what lets just call it Dawn of the Justice League as they really intended to call it. I have absolutely no problems seeking a well written Wonder Woman movie, in fact I would welcome it but you had better make sure to respect the DC comic universe that gave birth to her and not try to make it some feminist all male hating movie. I don't watch comic based movies to be stirred into someone's political agenda and if you come at me with that I will put my well earned money away.
@runstalker: AMD's "best" can be interpreted either as expensive or just as a better quality GPU over what's currently in their present console so how exactly is that strange and impossible? Not seeking an up-scaled GPU as mentioned in the article.
Is it just me or does this little upgrade the article speaks of not sound all that hot? I mean I seriously was expecting a massive upgraded GPU, AMD's best at least for an extra 400$ to 500$. In time Sony will regret this premature decision to split the fan base by making a second console not even mid-way into their current gen's lifetime.
tmthywtsn's comments