Sorry to infrom you, but Spoderman, God of War, Detroit and Days Gone probably wont come out next year. Classis Sony delay titles like Horizon and Uncharted.
Guess PS4 is stuck with Horizon, Crash Remaster and Hellblade for next year. Maybe if they can do it Detroit, but those devs wont put out a half assed game.
@ahmetxca: What aboit PS4 Neo? I guess you love it. If you really pretend the PSP UI on PS4 is better as the XONE we have now, your really dont own a XONE.
The better exclusives and you count 2? Whoa must have been a harsh 3 years for playstation.
@livedreamplay: Basically yes, this is how advertising works. Pretend like you give something for free, but let them already pay for it in the big bill.
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