@kadaverhagga: Not sure if troll.... On console you can get Killzone, Halo, Destiny, COD, Battlefield/front, Rainbow Six and Titanfall. How in thje world aint those games fantastic? You think CS:GO is way better?
So hes not even talking about the massive value you get out of this Collection? I mean we get Halo1-4 + Nightfall + Halo 5 Beta starting this year and ye why would he even talk about the last 2 things.....
And they freaking give Unity a 7 with a lot of bugs and way to many framerate drops + its the same game they release EVERY damn year but hey its a 7. After you get the Game you pay Season pass and if you want that good ol weapon you need to pay extra.
@Forcecaster It hase nothing to to with XBL, its a programming issue from 343. You can find multiplayer matches after 5min EVERY time and still play 4 man coop singleplayer. I still cant get this review score at all....
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