@BranKetra: Its already out and called "gears of war ultimate edition" ... The OG game was was already released YEARS ago on pc.
@Moonco: You do realise Live is never down...Some services may not work or servers on ONE game are down. But it wasnt down completely in a long time. If PSN is down, it really is down completely and not some services. Get your facts right and try to troll somewhere else.
@im_vuze: "SWAT doesn't take that much skill"Are you for real? Try getting Onyx on that.Try joining a Halo 5 Clan/Community. We always play custom games with our own gametypes and maps. Cant beat a 12 man Warzone with your own friends.
@meluvulongtime8: They were reffering to best selling and since ps4 doesnt have halo 5, xbox one is the only one.
@kingcrimson24: You do realise its all just rumors right? All the new ps4 model is = a slim version that can play 4k video and nothing more...
@ntomatas1: Just played the new maps with a 8 man party yesterday, most fun we had in a long time. Great Mode!
@jdlok: "this is more creative, or takes more talent to develop, than, say, a Miyazaki directed Dark Souls game (Dark Souls 3)"Lol the same game the 5. time now and you still say it takes talent to make it? Dude its the freaking same game...
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