@Tiwill44: Damn I didn't realize you were the one playing that game in the video. I didn't realize you got to see the actual screen from the console or PC of your choice and the gold release version. I didn't realize you saw a video that wasn't compressed into a potato and then shown on your screen. My bad, I didn't realize I was talking with an insider.
Developers have the choice of how to make their game look. Look how shitty Minecraft looks... Look how many copies it has sold... Any correlation to graphics and sales? No. Doesn't work that way. It's about gameplay, and Fallout has the fans, bottom line.
No one wants a broken mess. No one expects a broken mess. Launch **** ups have been scrutinized before and will continue to get all kinds of hate. I'm pretty sure Bethesda is going to put out the best game that they can possibly put out.
And what I mean by the developers decide what looks good: they decide what their game can handle in terms of AI processing, character processing, graphics processing, ect, ect, I'm no developer. But I'm sure that they know how to balance all of those things better than some whiny little bitch on his computer who saw some video of a game that isn't out yet.
Long story short, leaked videos and footage don't mean shit.
@Tiwill44: There en lies your problem. Mediocre to you is different to everyone else. Who decides what is mediocre? Who decides what looks good? I'll tell you who... the developers.
I trust Bethesda more than a bunch of whiny gamers about what their game cando than what their game can't do. If it needs to take away some from the graphics in order to keep the consistent gameplay and AI that they are known for, so be it. That is what brings fans back to the franchise, not graphics. Graphics can be fixed later, gameplay cannot.
Granted, I'm all for calling out a company when they deserve it, I'm just not so sure as to how deserving Bethesda is of all this hate yet. I mean FFS, the game hasn't even come out yet and people are treating this like the Watchdogs fiasco already.
@mesome713: Oh yeah. Oh well. Good riddance. Hopefully someone will pick up the slack. I'm interested to see what Kojima will have to say about the whole situation after his non-compete clause is up after December.
Tomahawk08's comments