I do prefer Fallout in general to Elder Scrolls. Although I wouldn't say it was a bad game. They're still both great and alot better than the usual re-hashed rubbish you see around.
tomo90's forum posts
I have a feeling you won't get a massive degree of disagreement here but:
1) Gears Of War
2) ME
3) Assassins Creed
Wouldn't have minded a spin off i.e. 'Star Wars [Enter_spin_off_sub-title_here] Episode I'
Tacking an extra three episodes onto the original 6 seems pointless. Those 6 stories were specifically about Anakin and it came full circle and ended nicely. Adding extra films to that storyline just makes it feel less complete and destroys the resolution in VI.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
If I was you I'd stick with the PS3 now until the next gen and look into the next gen Xbox when it's finally unveiled. Depending on how much you want to spend a month on games, I think you'd need quite a bit of dosh and time to get the most out of all the Xbox exclusive games before the next gen.
Surely 400 years down the line they can't even be totally sure. So perhaps yes this does suggest a cover up during the First Council Of Nicaea but it doesn't mean that even that Coptic Script is correct.
[QUOTE="Allicrombie"]I know someone that spent $1045 on an iphone 5.Hallenbeck77On just ONE phone? Wow.
It gets worse...
After skipping to page 13 - I was totally expecting there to already be a full flowing argument underway about Apple products. I am literally shocked and amazed:shock:
It's just fashionable. Thought I'd share. Seemed appropriate.
We cannot be dictated to by a bunch of savages. Are you seriously saying that we need to change our values because some backwards idiots don't like them?
Where did I say that?
I'm saying if your going to put people in jeopardy or potentially cause violence as a result of you exercising your right to free speech you better have a good reason for saying whatever your going to say.
If your value is saying whatever you f'ing want and 'screw the results it wasn't my fault' then you've got some pretty messed up values.
Ever hear of personal responsibility for one's actions? Violence is the fault of those employing it. PERIOD. But if you want to live in fear you best find a deserted island or a cave. Someone will almost always be offended by your opinions. Hell....you've offended several people in this thread....maybe you should take your own advice and log off so as not to continue your use of offensive ideas?What offensive ideas? Someone please explain to me what they think I'm trying to say because I'm really confused as to why I've got so much hate for condemning the disgusting acts in Libya which have led to the deaths of 4.
I pointed out that I think consideration should be paid when someone uses free speech in such a way that has in the past proven to result in violence (no matter how insane the reaction is) and that their reason for doing so should be worth the potential cost of life and especially if it's the lives of people working on the other side of the world whose opinions on the matter they know nothing of.
I never said free speech is wrong or anything, or we shouldn't have free speech. That's an insane assumption your drawing my original post. I love free speech. It's why we're all here.
Finally, I'm not shifting the blame, the savages wielding the weapons are to blame. I just think the above is something that should be really considered, and that if I was those film makers I'd feel pretty damn upset right now that I had even the smallest role in this.
If that's insulting to you then I really apologise but I honestly don't see why it should be.
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