@twilightangel: wow that is a pretty specific thing there is that what you do in your spare time pay people like your mother maybe? to poop down your throat? or do they do it in a cup and they drink it? is it solid? liquid? what kind of poop do you prefer if i was to try this?
@nyran125tk: controls work great you and lazy lying reviewers need to "git gud" and stop playing games on easy and stop whining because they are far far far to casualized in their own mind set to become better than "I died far too many times because the game is TOOOOOOOOOOOO hard and it's not my fault for sucking at all"
grow up it's like star fox all over again
whine about controls because you suck whine about game length WHEN IT IS ACTUALLY LONGER THAN YOUR PRECIOUS PREVIOUS ENTRY YOU ARE COMPARING IT TO!!!!
yeah it does happen quite easly but these clowns are far too ignorant to actually use their pc and setting at a 4k res
the higher the res the less AA is required so insteasd of using 8xAA you use fxaa, taa, and you do not need to supersample with 4k
and do i know this from gaming at 4k since 2014 and in that time i have learnt a hell of a lot
also game optimization is a key factor an example being assassin creed it is not very well optimized same for wildlands or the notoriously known ark unoptimized evolved, when games like doom, the witcher, gta (not online) just cause are much better with optimization
you are apart of a MAJOR problem with "journalism" in this industry
but sorry if they game is too hard for you maybe you simply need to stop being a baby and "git gud"
the game IS A REMASTER NOT A REMAKE so it is essentially a prettier version of what was played all those years ago
the mechanics in the game still rock today PEOPLE like you who are just are "omg i keep dying the game isn't as fun as i need to remember it be" just makes you look like an idiot
and as for complaining about the level design IT CAME OUT 20 FREAKING YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who are coming into platforming COMPLETELY KNOW HOW WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A PLATFORMER. sorry that it is clear and obvious you play games on an "setting" and only playing a game half way through for review purposes is just plain dumb "but other people do it" you will complain and to reply to that is "your industry is full morons who get caught out so many times for lying, stealing screwing for good reviews and generally all sorts of untoward behaviour no wonder VERY few actual gamers pay attention to what you lot say these days" as we all know the general consensus is that reviewers are dumb and no one pays attention to what children (teens as well) think in these industry because they are the only people dumb enough to listen to a moron like you
please just stop take a look at yourself and either ACTUALLY LEARN HOW TO PLAY A GAME OR WHAT A GAME IS IN THIS FIELD AND BACK IT UP WITH ACTUAL JOURNALISM OR BUGGER OFF AND FIND A NEW CAREER because you really freaking suck at game journalism
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