You know what would be nice for Gamespot? if you did not lie during an article THERE ARE NO CONFIRMED UNDER THE HOOD SPECS FOR THE SWITCH OR THE SCORPIO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP SPREADING RUMOURS IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK MORE AND MORE INCOMPETENT. !!!!!!!!!!! Would you like a tip? VERIFIED information makes for good journalism misinformation is nothing but bad reporting and just reflects the low quality of the senior editor and the name "Gamespot" as whole. So in other words Gamespot only post bs from journalists who do not do their job correctly and just want a quick click bait article.
this is a shameful display of what journalism has become and you are SUPPOSED TO BE A TECHNOLOGY EDITOR. good job at being absolutely terrible at your job and thanks for making Gamespot look even more terrible with baited unverified articles such as this pos
@analgrin: the benchmark for that does not actually work well it is really weird the scene they show for the benchmark has significantly lower performance than the actual same level played it's really messed and the other redux does the same thing
@fedor: yep 970sli is entry 4k and can run really well the whole "memory thing" really is unproven it runs fantastic on some games maxed out but other just a little lowering of a setting or two EG rise of tomb raider
@the_master_race: are you really that dumb? Gamespot IS NOTORIOUS for not being capable of understanding pc tech seriously it is funny to read this stuff. it is a real good laugh at how stupid these guys can get 22 frames 980sli for metro does not happen unless the clowns are doing something seriously wrong. they must be using an i3 or a core 2 duo or a Athalon 64.
@thedeltaforceking: don't pay attention to gamespot for tech it is common knowledge that they have no clue what they are talking about i mean 20 frames sli 980 for metro last light at 4k!!!!!! sli 970's can get get you 60 fps in that game.
please gamespot either fire this guy and replace him with someone who has an actual understanding of what they are doing.
It is clear this "Jimmy" has no clue how to work a pc if those are the frames he is getting
This is in no way an outburst. To the author of this article, you sir are an idiot and an example as to why no intelligent person actually video game journalism seriously.
Tonkinese's comments