GameSpot needs to correct this. I believe their most recent update is in correct. According to recent entries on twitter, US PSN pre-orders of GTA V will NOT be able to preload the game. GTA V will be available for download on the US PSN Store at 12AM Eastern Time.
@hXcShock @tonymoise @Crowgasm888 Me too, hardware is not everything. Most of my friends are Playstation owners and all are planning to get PS4 so for me, I will most likely play BF4 on the PS4. Although my rig will more than be able to handle it, I will have more fun playing with my friends. It's a matter of having a fun gaming experience.
@Crowgasm888 @hXcShock Well for me, I built a gaming PC to enjoy certain genres that don't have strong showings on consoles. For example Real Time Strategy games are much better on the PC. Company of Heroes, Starcraft, Command &Conquer and other great RTS's can't be found on consoles.
@hXcShock Well said, I have been a console gamer for a very long time now but 3 months ago I built my first custom PC and I am loving it. A true gamer should love video games no matter what platform it is on.
@_Perfectionist I live in the Caribbean and I completely agree with you. I really do not care about the NFL and I am sure gamers in Europe, South America and Asia will not be too excited about this and other features Microsoft felt were so ground breaking.
I am disappointed in the lack of focus on games from both of the companies...although Sony does seem to care more about the gaming experience than Micrsoft. I don't CARE about all this social media crap....I WANT TO PLAY GREAT GAMES.
tonymoise's comments