@Morphine_OD @tonymoise LOL....if you say so buddy. So you have played a GTA game with one or all of these characters? Although we may have seen all kinds of sides of Los Santos in a previous GGTV game, we didn't experience it from the perspective of GTA's new characters. So....NO....this is not a redundant gaming experience.
@Morphine_OD I personally like the idea of 3 "main" characters. It will be interesting to see different sides of Los Santos through their eyes. We will experience Street Life with Franklin, the gritty country lifestyle with Trevor and the woes of the Glamorous living with Michael.
I think it is different and exciting. I can't wait to play this gimmick.
I am a Playstation fanboy and I am actually gonna be building my first gaming PC next week....gonna spend about $1200 on it. Consoles are great and I am sure like past Playstations, PS4 will deliver some amazing gaming experiences but there are a few games on PC I have missed playing.
PC's will always have an advantage over consoles when it comes to hardware but for me consoles (Playstation in particular) have the games I wanna play. And PC's are such a headache. Just trying to pick the parts for a Gaming PC build is such a pain in the ass, especially if you are on a budget and not very tech suavy.
Both have advantages, and each do different things better than the other, I really could care less which has the better hardware because my choices have always been driven by one thing.....GAMES.
tonymoise's comments