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Back to Scooool

Just moved in today. Im in my Junior year of college, and its probally gonna be busy as hell this year with classes and 3 jobs. Gaming Related I bought Fable II Pub Games. Im a gambler and I like the game, house has too much of an advantage though. I also played the Tiger Woods 09 demo and castle crashers demo....i liked them both a lot. Next game im getting though is Rock Band 2 on the 15th.

Beat Games Number 17 and 18 of 2008

Number 17:

i beat all of the solo tours on at least medium and the band world tour with my sis

Number 18:

Games beaten in 2008:

Rock Band-360

Red Steel-360


Rocket Slime (DS)

Mario and Sonic Olympics (DS)

Elite Beat Agents (DS)

Metal Gear Solid-PS1

Puzzle Quest (DS)

GTA 4 (PS3)

Avatar (360)

The Bigs (360)

Pirates Of Carribean At Worlds End (360)

UNO (360)

The Club (360)

X-Men (360)

Fight Night Rd 3 (360)

World Tour Soccer (PSP)

Rayman Raving Rabbids (WII)

Pokemon Snap (N64)

i also wrote a few reviews for red steel...rock band...fifa 08...and kh chain of memories

Gaming Update 3

So first off i just signed back on with gamefly. Reason 1 is that there are so many great games coming out soon and there is no way i can buy half of them. Reason 2 there are a few games i want to rent to get some acheivments, and also ps3 trophies.

So i basically have only been playing two games this week because I want to beat them before I head back to college on monday.

You already know that Red Steel on the Wii is one of them, and I am up to 50% of the game with 7 hours and change of playing. I have the samo opinion of the game as expressed in my impressions blog, but a few levels I have played since them have been pretty cool and creepy, but you will hear more about those in the review of it. 7.5/10

The second game I want to beat by monday is Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories for the Gameboy advance. This game is basically the same as the first Kingdom Hearts just a lot more shallow and with a different combat style. The game was basically put out in between KH1 and KH2 just to build up hype for the next game. I am not the biggest KH fan, and this GBA game is intended for teh hardcore KH fan. Never the less I am enjoying it, but it is a very short play. Im 4 hours in and pretty much 60% done. 7.5/10

In My Gamefly Q:

1. FaceBreaker-360

2. Guitar Hero Aerosmith-360

3. Enemy Territory Quake Wars-360

4. Unreal Tournament 3-360

Red Steel Impressions

I forgot to mention my dad bought the wii game red steel when I got madden the other day. He got it for only 6$ so we both figured it was worth a shot.

So far after playing the first 3 missions with a playtime of 1 hour 15 minutes I like the game. It is not outsyanding but I like. The main reason why I like it is because it is just a lot of fun to use the wii remote to shoot things. The wii is the perfect console for shooters, and i think red steel does a fairly good job with shooting. The game is a FPS shooter set in the U.S and later Japan which deals with the killing of a Yakuza mob boss and the kidnapping of the main charecters girlfriend. Basically you play as an american who must learn the Japanesse way and save his girlfriends. So far the story has been serviciable but it is nothing special.

The action in the game is pretty fast-paced and like I said it is a lot of fun to play. The level designs and enviorments are also servicible, and one location inside a "massage parlor" turns into not a message parlor but a japaneese brothel. The game really doesn't have any cutscenes, just short hand drawn comic sequences between levels. Most of the story is told while the action is going on and teh game does a good job of telling it.

The worst part of the game is teh graphics which look like a decent ps2 game and is pretty much borderline crap for the wii. I can live with shoddy graphics because the game is fun and graphics really isnt that important to me. The sound and voice acting are not teh greatest but i dont have much of a problem with that either. I am getting teh impression that the game will be short, and I do not like short games, i like to play vast longer games.

Right now I am giving Red Steel a 7.5/10 or 3.5/5

Quick Madden 09 Impressions

Well after having madden 09 for two days and playing a good 7-8 hours already I am still undecided about the quality of the game. Right off of the bat the madden skill tests are horrible and do not accurately read what your skill in the game is. I scored all-madden on both rushing offense and passing, and the game has been incredibly hard due to that. The really good thing about the madden IQ and skill is that it adjusts after every game so after sticking through 5-7 frustrating games the skill levels have dropped to a mark i am almost comfortable with, but im finding the game still hard with running the ball the hardest part. I can feel and see a difference after my skill iq dropped a little. I am going to stick with using that as the difficulty for now, but I can always just go back to the traditional difficulty settings and not use the IQ test. Ok now that that is taking care of the game is very solid. The game still has been semi-fun even with the extreme difficulty I am having playing it. I just started up a franchise with the packers and i lost my first game 21-7. Overall I have been scoring about 21 points per game and allowing 17 points per game. The gameplay is great once the difficulty goes away, and the game is fun, and isn't that the main point? The main reason I bought madden was to have a good football game to play online. So far I have played 1 game online to try it and lost 38-14. I will admit i need to practice a lot more to be successful online, but im hopping I can have a good time playing online. The graphics are probably the best yet out of any sports game, and the soundtrack is perfect for my musical tastes. Right Now I give Madden 09 a 8.0/10 or 4/5 stars...this score could go up or down but in the end i think it could be near a 9.0

Beat Games Number 14,15, & 16 of 2008

14. Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime-DS Beat a few weeks ago but never posted
15. Elite Beat Agents-DS: Review is posted
16. Mario and Sonic At the Olympics-DS: Review is posted

All games beaten this year....


Rocket Slime (DS)

Mario and Sonic Olympics (DS)

Elite Beat Agents (DS)

Metal Gear Solid-PS1

Puzzle Quest (DS)

GTA 4 (PS3)

Avatar (360)

The Bigs (360)

Pirates Of Carribean At Worlds End (360)

UNO (360)

The Club (360)

X-Men (360)

Fight Night Rd 3 (360)

World Tour Soccer (PSP)

Rayman Raving Rabbids (WII)

Pokemon Snap (N64)

3 New Game Impressions

I decided to start up three new games before I leave for college at the end of the month. Since these are my sisters games i couldn't have taken them to college so i figured i would just play them now.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz-WII

This game is pretty close to being horrible. The controls are really frustrating as well as the leval design and the boss fights. There are 8 single player stages with each stage taking 20 minutes max to complete. So far I have gotten stuck on the 2nd stage boss for a good 20 minutes alone and that isnt right considering teh rest of teh stage only took 8 minutes to complete. The Wii controls are often praised in this game but overall the controls are hard to grasp and very inaccurate. The graphics are decent but nothing special here. the frustration leval of teh game combined with wonky controls are really turning me off to it. There are a large number of 4 player party minigames as well here but so far only a handful have been worth playing, and some of teh minigames are actually really good. So far 4/10 or 2/5 stars

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games-DS

Well it is olympic season so i figured why not. I wasn't expecting much from this game but let me tell you i am pleasently surprised. Most all of the olympic events are playable here but instead of star athletes you get to play as mario's crew and sonic's crew. Overall there are 16 charecters. I have played the game for about 5 hours since last night and I could say I am pretty addictied to it. Alot of teh games are an absolute blast to play such as 400m runs and even fencing. What I really like about this game is that there is a crazy amount of depth to the game in the form of unlockable trophies, medals, emblems, and crowns. I am really enjoying this game. 8.5/10 or 4/5 stars

Elite Beat Agents-DS

This game is a mixed bag. First off it is a music rhythem game in the style of guitar hero but played with the ds touch screen. The game only has 19 songs which is pretty lame, but teh fun gameplay saves this game a bit. Well it is fun until you get to the last song and then it stops being fun. I breezed through the game in 1 and a half hours, and then I got to teh last song in the game which took 3 hours in itself to beat. So lets see 3 minute song goes into 180 minutes equals 60 failed attempts before i was able to get it. This mind you was on the easiest difficulty, and I just started hard which is a little more difficult but nothing drastic yet. Fun game drastically taken down by 1 stupid ending song. 7.0/10 or 3.5/5 stars

Gaming Update 2 + Got A Game

First off got this game from traded puzzle quest ds for it....

So now to what I have been playing.....

First off I have been playing a good amount of ncaa football 2007 for the 360 to pick up some acheivments. I have always loved EA's college football games and this is no exception. The game has a great dynasty mode, and I just finished my first season using Utah with a 10-3 record and I beat Florida State in the Poinsetta Bowl 70-20!! Right now i give it 8.5/10 or 4/5 stars.

I have been continuing to play rock band mainly the vocal solo tour. I have 5 songs left to complete on medium then it is off to hard. I am stuck on the drum tour on hard with detroit rock city, and I am stuck on guitar on hard with flirtin with disaster. Me and my sis are also only a few hours away from completing the band world tour. The world tour gets very repatative and im sick of playing the same 2-3 songs over again. Right now I give rock band 9.5/10 or 5/5 stars.

I also started getting into dynasty warriors 5 a little more and i have conquered 25% of the map playing on easy. I unlocked a few acheivments, and the game is kinda fun but also repatative at the same time because when fighting you will just press the same two buttons over and over again. Score 7.5/10 or 3.5/5 stars

For the last 360 game ive been playing nba live 06 just to get the last couple acheivments i need for 1000 pts. The game is not very good and is very weak on content, but hey i got it for 3.99$ new at best buy so no complaints. Score 5.5/10 or 2.5/5 stars

For the playstation 3 I have been only playing a little bit of fifa 08 playing the manager mode. As most of you know I love soccer and especially fifa games. Score 10/10 or 5/5 stars

On to the wii the only game i have been playing is smash bros brawl, mainly because its my sisters game and I cant take it to college with me. I am enjoying it but i am not a hardcore fan like a lot of people. Score 8.0/10 or 4/5 stars.

Jeanne D'arc on the psp has been taking up most of my time and the game is addictive yet i am turned off a little bit because so of teh battles are just too difficult. At the point where I am at about 8 hours in every battle must be fought 3-5 times until I get the victory. I dont like in my games having to replay levels many times. The epic size of the battles save this game somewhat. Score 8.0/10 or 4/5 stars.

Lights In The Sky NIN

Well yesterday I was fortunate enough to go see Nine Inch Nails in concert with special guest deerhunter for free. Not only were the tickets free but we were 10 rows from the stage dead center on the floor seating. The band deerhunter opened for a half hour and they were absolutly horrible. Nine Inch Nails played from 8:45 pm to 11:00pm and came out extremly hard all night. I wasnt even expecting them to play that hard at all. It was probally the 2nd best show I have seen this summer. Nine Inch Nails had incredible visual aids, but they still werent as good as the visual artists TOOL.

Heres How I rank the shows Ive seen this summer

Rush-Absoulutly Incredible my third favorite band behind TOOL and A Perfect Circle...Rush played almost a 4 hour set.

NIN with deerhunter

Poison, Sebastian Bach, and Dokken

Stone Temple Pilotes

Going To See 2 more shows for free later this month:

Next week we have Judas Priest, Heavan and Hell aka Black Sabbath without Ozzy, and Testament all playign together

In two weeks we have Motley Crue and Buckcherry