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toosmooth Blog

I'm Back.

Okay. Surgery went from about 3:45 AM until 5 AM. I woke up from the anesthetics at around Noon. I've got like this cast/sling/bandage around my arm. Only a little pain but other than that I can move it and everything. No heavy lifting, reaching, or any other strainous activity for 3 weeks. I like the morphine stuff they give you...But I'm back home and I feel great! Thanks everyone for the support.

Surgery is on Thursday

Doctor called after he looked at my x-ray things and scheduled me for minor surgery on thursday to fix my arm. I'll bring a laptop to fill you guys in...

May Need Surgery.

Been at the doctor/hospital all day. Doctor thinks I completely tore my tricep right off the bone. I might not be able to type much so if you don't see me on that's why...

The Southern Raiders

EASILY the best Avatar episode ever! Holy crap! The episode was full of drama and pwnage!

And ESPECIALLY [spoiler] Bloodbending! [/spoiler]

Back to AutoBot; Another TOS.

Well I am finally back to AutoBot. The coolest of all levels. I lost points thanks to a suspension from the Mods. And in coincidence, I just got a TOS for "Sole purpose to annoy others". I swear, MODS are screwed up in the head.

Updated Goals

Here are my goals I am hoping to complete before the end of July.

2,000 posts: Incomplete

50 friends: Complete

50 blogs: Complete

50 submissions: Incomplete

Level 15: Incomplete ( Thanks MODS for the suspension, it really helped me out on this one. :| )

Become a Disciple of the Dragon: Incomplete

Suspended; New; Record; Sad; Lost Level.

So I was suspended as most of you know for three days. Yes MODS, we know you are being ban-happy, no need for you to show us. Although I do believe I set the new record for most TOS violations in under 30 seconds! 3 TOS violations in exactly 27 seconds. But joking aside, I am actually quite sad. Maria93 has been banned...again. I don't think she will be back unfortunately. And also, due to my suspension, I lost points and have dropped back to Regal Begal. Yes, it all sucks indeed. I have no idea what else to say so...