In oblivion i keep dyind, i think its because i am a vimpire, i am just walking or on a horse and i just randomly die? anyone knows what to do to stop this?
apparently it's goin to be better on the ps3, dats only i rumor tho. i enjoy burnout games and i hope it will be a good game. Burnout is way more fun than need for speed
this is fake lol i wish we had xvid support and iptv. maybe next update. the new update in december allows u 2 browse your friend's friends list and download original xbox games.
i think rainbow six vegas 2 is coming out in 2008 aswell also operation flashpoint 2, warhound(check it out its a mixture of crysis/farcry) and white gold. if u guys are talkin exclusives only i appologize
can someone please help me on this mission. i am on the last part where i need to rescue the downed cobra pilot from the helicopter. playin on veteran. thanks
can someone please help me on this mission. i am on the last part where i need to rescue the downed cobra pilot from the helicopter.playing on veteran. thanks.
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