lol. ahh looks like dey left us to last:( i jsut hope i get it 2morow becuase thers a long weekend n i think if we dont get it tomorow den only tuesday.
yea dont worry.. if i get to download it and play ill give u my other toekn when i get it... if no one calls for it
thanx mate. chances are we will both get our's on the same day or mayb even same time 2morowwho knows. appreciate it man. bt jst message me or something when u get yours. :)
you might as well count me in too because mine has been "downloading game settings" for over a day now, hope u guys dont get that error when u get ur copysteveslugga
weird apparently they fixed that today. try exitin 2 dashboard n loading up again n see wot happens. also try clearing the xbox 360 chace google how to do i 4got its really easy tho. good luck
make that 4 with me. well im guessin if not 2day den we should have ours tomorow dat is ofcourse if the servers dnt cras and fourzerotwo is bothers to send out another 10,000.
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