Definitley GTAIV.
torontomapleafs' forum posts
[QUOTE="speedjunkie4"][QUOTE="Toriko42"]This happened last year It happened in my city of Vancouver too, it was terrible and the public outcry was huge. The bastards still haven't been punished. One of the RCMP officers in the incident though got caught drunk driving.Bauers-TwinYeah. The RCMP have been real dicks lately. But srsly, this was not good for vancouver's rep, coming from a resident from the fraser valley. for good reason i dont wanna go somewhere where they taze me to death if they cant understand me.
It's not really the officers fault. Not like tazing someone is suppose to kill them. So the officers didn't know the guy was going to die they thought it would've just made it easier to arrest him.
I can't believe people want to ban tazers. Sure their is a very very slight chance that someone may die because of it, but if the tazer is banned what is a cop suppose to do when someone runs at them with a knife, or a baseball bat. Shoot them instead?
Fallout 4 exclusive to the PSP.
Most of all i just want to see another decent hockey game on the PSP.
I heard on X play that their has been rumors about LBP for the PSP and a Motorstorm. Those with GT:Prologue (IF it does ever come out) and Resistance is enough for me to keep my PSP. Besides The multimedia functions on it are awesome.
Get a 360 because...
-Live is so much better and has a way stronger community (people actually have mics and talk) the market place is way stronger also has exclusive dlc for Fallout 3 and GTA IV. And 2 years after the PS3 has been released and the 360 is still getting superiour Multiplats.
-Better exclusives such as Gears 2, Fable 2, Mass Effect, Forza 2, oh and HALO 3. Also in the future it will be getting Mass Effect 2, Halo ODST, Splinter Cell Conviction, Forza 3 and more that M$ has yet annouce.
-Don't worry about the RRoD. For one you have a 3 year warranty so even if you do get it, it is free to fix, also the newer models are way less likely to get it.
- It's cheaper,you get a superiour console for less, Awesome!
So do yourself a favour and pick up a Xbox 360.
So is this going to be turn based? I'm hoping it is i really like turn based JRPGs. But either way it looks like it's shaping up realy nicely. And good for Square Enix making this game Multiplat, if they didn't it would have sold way less. So PS3 fans need to understand it's a buisness and Square Enix did the right thing.
ROFL, my friend has a modded 360 with over 80 games, all the best ones, yet only plays about 3 of them consistently. The "more games, better elusives" argument fails miserably unless you have no life outside of video games :(
Since his warrenty is void he had to pay 80 bucks to get it fixed then it broke down again!
Good i hope his Xbox keeps breaking. And just because your friend only plays 3 games that means that everyone only plays 3 games? And let me guess two of those games he plays are Halo 3 and Gears 2?
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