Gears 2 MP is perfectly fine other than the match making issues which i'm sure will be fixed soon. But even still just get a couple of friends in your game and you'll be able to find games no problem.
Their both good. I'm not even sure which one i like better anymore. I change my mind everyday. I think SR2 is funner but for some reason it feel like i enjoyed GTAIV more. Either way you can't go wrong with either.
Not like many people play it, but i downloaded NHL 09 to my HDD (5.7g) and it was identical to reading off the disc....if anything the loading was a slight bit longer. EA did a great job of loading from 08 to 09, so the disc read configs must work better than running off the hdd. chex81
I installed this too and i noticed before the games it seems to me it loads a little bit faster. Never actually timed it or anything but it does seem a little quicker.
I'm getting it for 360 because I game on my 360. I don't game on my crappy laptop :/.MrSlippery39
This is why TC. Not everyone has a $1000 + computer to play it on and no one is going to buy one to play a SLIGHTLY better version. Jeez think next time TC.
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