torontomapleafs' forum posts
Yeah it was actually way better than i expected. I beat in 6 and a half hours though so could have been a bit longer but still a GREAT campaign. Now for days of online...
I have just run through the xBox360 system spec. It may seem like hardware wise, it is loosing out to PS3, because PS3 is compaitable with BLU-Ray Disc. From my standpoint, it seems that the BLU-Ray disc's up-rising may be xBox360's downfall...:question:
Actually so far basically all multiplatform games have been equal or alot of times better on the 360. Just look at Fallout 3 and Orange Box. Also i believe every game that can be done on the PS3 can be done on the 360. And that includes MGS4.
The only thing the PS3 has that 360 doesn't is the fact it can play Blu-Ray movies.
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