@Agermemnon: nice strawman..., either learn to build them better, or give up....
i never said 4k was possible on a steam machine...
i said:
"4k is arriving on pc's,....and today consoles are still farting around with 900p and 1080p... weak sauce"
because its true... 1080p was something to gloat about 8years ago ... not today... learn to read, or like i said, acquire better strawman construction skills.
today's consoles are garbage that's slowing down gaming development for the rest of us who play even on modest pc's
steam machines are pretty shitty atm, but my pc isn't... so i'm comparing the consoles to that.. and theyre crap.
@78395484: what other game experiences on gog are you referencing?
"steam exclusives"?
they are aiming this system at console players, not people like us... presumably you have a pc and a console.
if the hardware for a steam machine was indeed cheaper or same price and faster(which its not), it would be a consideration to all console gamer's who love to talk performance.
i don't think it will succeed but for very different reasons than you do apparently... game choices are not a problem imo
for reference there are more of EVERY genre in games on the pc, than any console... but that's not the reason it will fail.
@GSGuy321: people who play fps on gamepads are sad to me, especially when i hear them talk about the kills they've had in their games... its like two cripples throwing their walkers at each other and then pretending it was the boxing match of the century...
still been better than 'many-pac vs. $may' fight though
@E_J_S: yeah ... i'm tryin to think of which steam machine he's thinking of specifically, cuz the cheapest ones are typically weaker than the xb1/ps4 not stronger...
also he's going after a player base that inherently hates pc's, he should be offering true value to entice players to switch, not lies and falsehoods.. because unless your paying above the consoles value, a good amount above.... you are not going to get better hardware
@WhoIsTheDrizzle: console ui's suck, wtf are you on about, the steam big picture ui is not perfect... but the console ui's are nothing to gloat about either lol
Tr4newreck's comments