@milsvaard: oh c'mon that's only half true at best
the content you got in the older 'expansions' was significant...
another significant difference is, there was no day1 expansions!
when diablo 1 was released,... the team then worked on an expansion that added new class, items, maps, story line's...and that takes time... today's practice of day1 dlc is at best 'suspect'... there are many proven cases of abusive practices in the industry of cutting out content from a completed product to sell it for 15$ at launch of a couple of days after...
@aegis_kleais:on principle i agree......but your demands fall apart when companies like WB willfully screw people over... if only the companies were as principled as you want consumers to be.
@aegis_kleais: rocksteady didn't do the port its not an indictment on their skills, just their judgement(or WB's)... it was outsourced to 'Iron Galaxy'(12 people) which has done ports of console games to other consoles and portables(vita) they also helped with a pc port of Arkham Origins...explains a lot
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