long time fan of the gta series from way back, this is the worst iteration of the game(gtaonline)
i get it rockstar, its easy to pump these online 'expansions' out and maintain the player base through a steady drip of inconsequential tripe...
getting voice actors, writers, and producing an actual story driven expansion is hard...but your riding on the earned good will of players...and the ride wont last forever
@bobafetthatesu: shooters = pc as well... google 'microsoft's cross-platform project',
they were going to allow pc player and console players play against each other in some fps games... it got canceled, because pc keyboard/mouse players absolutely destroyed the controller wielding console players...in testing they even pitted mediocre players, against the best of the console players... they still got slaughtered... mouse/keyboard is not just a little better, it rapes your face in fps!
bad business practice to have a huge player base feel 'lesser-than' because of poor controls...so the project was canceled....ahh what could of been.
and the game-pad truly is a bad control method for fps games....and just like crappy hardware(ps4/xb1), it impacts game design....aim-assists, level design where everything is gun level...lol...shame
fact is most avid pc users have been forced to enjoy the games that come out of development cycles aimed at the weakest console...crappiest hardware, crappiest control methods
i will yield some genres work best on game-pads ie. platforming, fighting,
but in general, that practice of developing for the crappiest common denominator, over the years, has contributed to the dumbing-down of games...i will add though the desire for 'mass appeal' by companies and franchises has also contributed to that.
as both a console player and pc player.... they're both crappy stop-gap consoles...is any fanboi actually paying attention to what they are buying and what is inside their boxes?
... no they don't...frankly, its why some of them bought one in the first place, its also why you could sell them 3 year old hardware(ps4 xb1) and call it "next gen"....because blind consumers are fools, and you know what they used to say about fools and money....
bragging about 900p/30fps is fackin awesome! 10 years ago...
Tr4newreck's comments