Sorry for the drama but as you may gather my 360 caught the infamous red ring of death last night. It's an extremely annoying thing when a console dies on you but at Christmas, when you have a billion games to play - that just makes it 100 times worse.
To be honest, it isn't as bad for me. I didn't actually get any 360 games for Christmas. My brother on the other hand got 3. He got Gears of War 2, Fable 2 (which I was kind enough to buy for him ;)), and Call of Duty 5. As you can imagine, it is very frustrating to not be able to play those great games especially since he just got to start them before mr. red ring of death made a stop at our house. I did buy Mirror's Edge on the 360 for a friend but she's away so I wanted to try it out before she came back. I guess I won't be able to now. Oh well, I guess I can just borrow it off them at a later date.
We're planning just to buy a new core xbox as our harddrive is fine. We want to get it quick and repairing it will take forever. Hopefully since it's after Christmas, we'll find a cheap one somewhere. I know I'm being very dramatic but that's for the sake of the blog. As annoying as this is, there are worse things that can happen to you.
On an unrelated note, I haven't signed in since Christmas Eve. I just watched the GOTY video and I'm very happy to see Metal Gear Solid 4 won. It truly is a fantastic game and as Gamespot said, there are so many memorable moments in the game that you will remember it for a long time to come. If you have a PS3, you really should buy it.
Anyway, before I press the submit button just want to say what i got Christmas. I got the full set of Guitar Hero: World Tour for the Wii and Prince of Persia for the PS3, and my brother bought me Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations (what a long-winded title). I am having a lot of fun with these games. Especially Guitar Hero when I have 3 other people over. Also, I got Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on DVD. Seriously, I must be the only person in the world not to have seen those movies yet. I hope everyone else here had a great holiday. See you online!
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