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Hitman: Blood Money Silent Assassin Rating Blog Entry #3

You may now know that I am writing blogs on my progress on getting a Silent Assassin rating on every mission in Hitman: Blood Money. So I'll start.

I did Death on the Mississippi but I only got the Hitman rating so I had to restart the mission. The is 7 targets in this mission so it was long but it was quite a fun level. I started by getting a guards suit and getting a key to the engine room. I pushed one target over a railing in the engine (sort of reminds me of the tanker level in Metal Gear Solid 2). I then ran out and pushed a second target into the water after waiting a while. I got into a 1st class person's suit so I was allowed to go up to The Gator's private quarters (that's the name of the gang that I am eliminating in this mission). I pushed another guy over a railing at the very top of the boat and went to the Gator's quarters. I fibre-wired the leader who was a target and hid him in the bathroom (there's a guy in here taking a shower and he doesn't notice the body). I strangled another target and hid him in the bathroom. I got some pictures I needed and went to a second bathroom in the quarters. I choked a guy here too and went out and choked another guy and hid him in the less-private bathroom with the last guy. That was all the objectives except to escape. I ran back to the back of the boat and got my suit back. Escaping with the suit can be difficult as you have to run through a restricted area which is the engine room and another room off it. By the time I was in there, they discovered the first guy I pushed over the railing (didn't matter though because it looked like an accident). There were all around me so I couldn't sneak past them so I just ran and I made it. I was really nervous when I was going to the rating screen as I didn't want to repeat it a third time in quick sessions but I got it. Yay!

I also got the next mission done, Till Death Do Us Part. This is a straight forward mission. It's also a fun one. I started off by stealing a knocked-out party guest's pass (he drank too much). I went and had a jig on the dance-floor and then went into the house. This was also a mission I had to repeat because of a invisible witness. I got a guard's uniform and went to the grave where one of the targets goes. He was looking over an un-filled grave and I pushed him in. It's sort of bad. I went back into the mansion and went to the attic. I planted a bomb on the attic floor just over a chandelier which is just over a piano. I waited for the very short wedding ceremony to end and the second target went to play a bit of piano. I blew the bomb and WHAM! Objective complete. I ran and escaped by boat. Another Silent Assassin rating in the bag.

That's all I did yesterday. I'm going onto A House Of Cards next. That was a mission I got a Silent Assassin rating on my first play-through of the game (as you may know that this is my second time playing the game bu my first time doing a Silent Assassin run). It was a flukey one. I didn't get any accidents but that's not what I'm doing.

Also I got around to writing a walk-through on getting a Silent Assassin rating on Flatline. I wrote it for my union, The Stealthy Gamers Union. Here's the link if you want to read it:

I would post it as clickable but there's a glitch on Gamespot where I can't so you're just going to have to copy and paste it into the address bar.

Once again I apologise for the lack of video blogs. There is something wrong with my computer where I can't see videos and it's going to be annoying to not be able to see a video I upload. Sorry for anyone who cares.

Hitman: Blood Money Silent Assassin Rating Blog Entry #2

If you read my last blog you will see that I am going to write my progress in getting Silent Assassin ratings in Hitman: Blood Money into these blogs. This is my second entry as you can probably guess from the title.

It has bee a couple of days since I wrote the last one because I was having a bit of trouble trying to do Murder of The Crows with the rating. I wanted to get more accidents and not do close combat kills but in the end I got one accident and two close combat kills which fortunately got me a Silent Assassin rating.

I did the mission by changing into a guard uniform (which is a bird suit) and going into the room with Mark Purayah Jr. which is in charge of the assassination on the politician you are trying to protect. Before that I had planted a bomb beside a winch with a piano hanging onto it. I fibre wired him and hid him in a bin in the room. I took the briefcase I needed and a walkie-talkie which gave me the location of the two targets who are assassins. Extremely conveniently one of the targets was heading to the area with the hanging piano. I got my suit back and blew the bomb. I got to see the cliqued scene of a piano being dropped on a person. I went to a night club and got a waiter's clothes. I went upstairs to the third target. I sneaked in and got him with a poison syringe. I ran out, got my suit and briefcase back and escaped. I was very relieved to see a Silent Assassin rating pop up here.

I also got the next mission done, You Better Watch Out.... I like that name but I didn't get to dress up as Santa this time around :(. I went to the elevator and managed to not get caught on camera. I went to an area a bit farther away and and blew a utilty box which made a guard come out. I got his uniform and went down to Chad  Bingham Jr. I put eh... something in his drink which made him go off somewhere... to do something else. After he did that, he went to a balcony which I pushed him over. I also realised that in this level there is a  female assassin in a room and a sedated woman behind a chair in the same room. I went up to the studio floor and got a video tape I was supposed to get. I went into a room where some filming was going and climbed up a ladder nto the rafters. I placed a bomb beside some metal which I detonated and crushed him. This bit was a bit hard for me because I either got caught even though no one saw me (except for the annoying little dog; maybe it includes as a guard) or when the explosion went off the target ran away and was barely missed by the falling metal. After I did that I tried to get my suit back but I got caught by no one I could see (again) so I just escaped via the boat managing again not to get caught on the camera by the elevator (even if you were caught on camera doing nothing you still won't get a Silent Assasin rating). I got the Silent Assassin rating anyway.

That's all the missions I did yesterday. Not that much but I was happy to do Murder of The Crows. I'm going to do Death on The Mississippi soon. That may prove difficult as there are seven targets in that level. It will be quite a fun mission to do anyway. I probably won't be writing a walk-through to these missions for a while if I actually write one for them anyway as I still haven't wrote one for Flatline yet.

I apologise for not doing a video blog yet. I want my next one to be my inpressions on the Xbox 360 but I still haven't got to play it yet (as my brother has full ownership over it).

Hitman: Blood Money Silent Assasin Rating Blog Entry #1

If you read my previous written blog you will see that I said I was going to get a new memory card so I could start Hitman: Blood Money again and get a Silent Assasin rating in every mission like I have done in previous Hitman games. This blog will be used for telling you my progress of getting these titles of the previous day.

I started the game again yesterday (still watching every cutscene even though I've see them) and I went through the tutorial mission, Death of a Showman. I didn't try getting a Silent Assassin rating here as it doesn't give you a rating so I just followed what the tutorial said.

I started the first official mission, A Vintage Year. I have got the Silent Assassin rating in this mission so many times and I can't remember why I played it so much. If you check the archive of The Stealthy Gamers Union you will see that I have already wrote a walk-through on how to get the Silent Assasin rating in this level. I like this mission. The environment is cool and realistic. The way I did it was get a guard's uniform and climb up a drainpipe into Don Fernando Delgado's room. I follow him onto the balcony where I push him over it. I then go the wine cellar where Manuel Delgado is. I plant a bomb by a winch which is attached to an area of wood holding crates. Manuel goes under this area to tie his shoe which is where I blow the bomb,crushing him. I run to get my suit so I don't lose 5000 retrieving it and go down the slope to the hangar pushing people into the water down here(which includes as a accident) and running into the seaplane.

I did the next mission, Curtains Down, too and have already wrote a walk-through to get the Silent Assasin rating in The Stealthy Gamers Union. This is one of my favourite missions to get the rating as I find it funny. I dress up as a worker and get to the area above the stage. I plant a bomb beside the light. I run back down to the guy who acts as the excutioner of Alvado D'alvade. I hide here and wait for the actor to come in. I sedate him and take his clothes. 47 looks funny in a goatee and moustache. I had already gotten the real version of the gun used in the opera. I go on stage and wait for the end of the opera and shoot D'alvade but people think it's acting. They eventually find out he is dead and think what I did was an accident. I actually stay n stage and wait for his friend, the second target to come up. I blow the bomb and people don't seem to notice, making the light drop on him barely missing me. I run out getting my suit and a job well done.

The third mission that I did, Flatline, I haven't wrote a walk-through for as this was the first time I got a Silent Assasin rating on this mission. It is actually a pretty cool mission to do. I steal patients' clothes and admission papers. I walk in and go to the window where the guard is watching TV inside. I break the utility box nearby and hide behind the door. I sneak into the room where the guard was watching TV and steal his keycard and video tapes (just incase). I get into the place where the agent who has information and that I have to get out is being kept. I change into the clothes of the people who are allowed down here and find the agent. I sedate him making him appear dead. I went then and sneaked into a secondary target sabotaging his grille blowing him up. I also crushed another secondary target with a light-I blew up the line holding it up. Finally I choked the main target with a weight when he was weightlifting. I ran to the morgue (after getting the famous Hitman suit back)where the agent was as he looked dead. I revived him with a pill and escaped. Mission accomplished. I may be writing a walk-through for this soon.

The last mission I did with the Silent Assassin rating yesterday was the fourth mission, A New Life. It was a pretty straight forward mission but I did it with the rating a bit flukely. I sedated a clown that was going to be at the party and hid him in a box in his van. I was able to go into the house now. Once I got into the house I followed the target's wife and sedated her, allowing me to get the necklace with the microfilm in it. I then went to the sauna making sure nobody saw me and changed into a guard's uniform. I went to the front of the house and broke the utlity box making sure again that nobody saw me. This blew out the TV that Vinnie "Slugger" Sinistra, the target, was watching. When his guard was coming out to fix it, I went into the room and fibre wired him. I hid him in a small room off this TV room. The guard ran in and went right beside the door and the guards got alerted even though they didn't see his body. I ran out because I thought I was going to get caught which made me forget to retrieve my suit. I escaped and I surprisingly got a Silent Assasin rating. That's why i thought I did it a bit flukely. I mightn't write a walk-through for this level until I'm sure this is the best way to do it.

Well, I'm pretty happy with my progress so far. Four levels in one day isn't bad. It is pretty late in this day and I haven't got one yet. I'm tried Murder of The Crows a couple of times but I didn't get it. I'll try later on tonight. I finally managed to get Morrowind working so I'll be playing that for a while (it seems to be glitching a lot). I would have posted pictures but the quality was terrible in the pictures I took. There mightn't be a blog like this tomorrow if I get no rating.

Im Back!

Hello Gamespot!

The Holiday

As some of you may know, I was away for the last two weeks on holidays and I wasn't on Gamespot. I went to the South of France to a small vilage called Caunes Minervois which is close to Carcassonne.

The holiday was pretty good. Other than the uncomfortable beds, the very hot weather and the food the holiday was fine. The best part was the swimming pool which is where I spent most of my time. I especially liked the swimming pool on this holiday as we shared it with only one other family who weren't always there so sometimes we had it all to ourselves.

I wanted to go on the internet some time during the two weeks to go on Gamespot but sadly I didn't find any internet cafes.

Gaming in the Holiday

We didn't bring any of the TV consoles on holiday with us but I brought two of my hanheld consoles; the DS and PSP.

I have really gotten into Kingdom of Paradise on the PSP.

When I first got it I wasn't playing it that much and thought the game was alright. I started playing it a lot in France and I am enjoying it so much and I really love the game. It has one of the best storylines I have ever seen in a game. The gameplay is also addictive IMO. I think I am nearly finished the main storyline of the game but I'm not sure.

When we visited Carcassonne for the third and last time (last Thursday), I went into a game shop called King Games. It is seriously one of the best game shops I have ever been in (not that I have been in many). What I liked about it is it sold a good few old games such as N64 games. I also liked the fact that it had a big Gamecube section which I haven't seen in a game for a while now. It also had pretty good prices.

I bought one game there anyway. The game is Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link on the Gameboy Advance.

I have looked for this game for a while as I wanted to play even though I know it wasn't the best Legend of Zelda game and I found it there. I got it for 12 Euro which is very cheap.

Since I brought the DS, I was able to play it in the Gameboy Advance section. I haven't played it that much so I can't really judge the game yet.

Gamespot after my Holidays

I came onto Gamespot within minutes of when I came in the door. I had to go through 67 pms which took a while. I also see that the level 20 glitch seems to be affecting me as I have gone up only 2 percent on the level which is still very little even when I was off Gamespot for 2 weeks.

I was pretty surprised to see that the video blog I did the day before I went on holidays, Twilight Princess Delays, had over 730 views. I was also surprised to see that a earlier video blog of mine, My PoP Story, had over 500 views.

I was happy enough that my union, The Stealthy Gamers Union, wasn't completely forgotten while I was away but I would have wished for more union updates.

Other Blog Like Information

My brother is going to get the Xbox 360 tomorrow so there might be a video or written blog about that soon. When he's buying that, I will be getting a PS2 memory card so I can restart Hitman: Blood Money. I had to delete my file so my brother can play since our memory card is full. I will be doing my Silent Assassin rating in every mission goal so I'll be looking forward to that. You may be seeing more walkthroughs for Silent Assasin ratings going up in The Stealthy Gamers Union soon.

All in all, it's good to back home and on Gamespot. I will be active again like I was before my holidays and you should expect some more video blogs, post etc. from me.

Twilight Princess Delays Video Blog and Goodbye for 2 Weeks


 All Zelda fans are looking forward to Twilight Princess. Some more than others. There has been a couple of delays to Twilight Princess. They are annoying but I feel some people are over-reacting to the delays as these delays were made by Nintendo to make the game better and to fix glitches and whatnot as I say in the video blog.

So I think we have to stay cool if there is another delay in this game. It will be quite annoying and hard to stay cool but Nintendo aren't doing it to annoy us. They are doing it to as I said before; to make the game better.

I am going on holidays tomorrow (9th of July) so I want to inform you that I wont be on Gamespot for the next two weeks. I'll be going to the South of France. I will be back on the 22nd of July so technically I'll be on holidays for 1 week and 6 days so I'll be back on Gamespot that day or the next day.

In France there may be an Internet cafe some where so there is a chance I may be on during my holidays but there isn't a big chance. I'm pretty sure there is no computer in the house we are staying in.

I want to tell Gamespot users to who are a member of The Stealthy Gamers Union to continue posting there and keep it active while I'm away, especially the officers who aren't away at the time. Sorry to the unions that I am an officer of.

I reached level 20 today as you can see here:

I should be stuck on this level for 3 months or more but I hope I can get through it quicker. I'd say the odds of that are slim though.

I got the Public Access Emblem:

For successfully posting a user video. You're on the air! Don't waste it!

It took a long time for me to get this emblem even though I had a couple of video. I think that was because all the other videos I made were't associated with a game or whatever. They were all N/A except for My PoP Story and the one I just uploaded: Twilight Princess Delays which probably got me this emblem.

I also just want to point out that I got an emblem upgrade. It's the Popularity Emblem:

Like, totally. Chances are you know individuals who are popular, and if you don't, chances are you wish you did. You wish you could be just like them, don't you? They're the ones who always score the touchdown. They're the ones who always get the girl. Or the boy, as the case may be. Those people and their winning smiles with their bright, white teeth and their clever jokes and their laughing and their personalities and their charm! What makes them so special, huh? What do they have that I don't have, why don't you tell me?!

I upgraded from the Convivial Emblem:

Smashing good company. Convivial members of the community are friends to many others--no doubt, many others who are every bit as convivial as themselves! Indeed, such fine company these chaps and gentle-women truly are! Their company is often desirable and often available, and, being such convivial sorts, they are always looking to broaden their horizons by meeting more and more friends, colleagues, and associates. Why, you'd certainly invite them over for tea if you liked tea and knew where they lived.

I got the Popularity Emblem after getting 50 friends. After I had set up The Stealthy Gamers Union and started video blogging I got a lot more friend requests and I am happy about that.

Well, I'll see in 2 weeks most likely.

Number three on the Q & A blogs


This is the third episode of my Q & A blog series. I yet again ask questions left to me by Gamespot users. If you have a question about me related to gaming or something else just ask away.

At the end of the blog I ask for some people to suggest what other type of video blog you would like to see me do so if you have a suggestion just write them down as a comment here, in the comment box under the video blog or pm me.

I also just want to say I got a new emblem today which started of my second row of emblems. It's the Boss Murder Emblem:

For watching in abject horror as the suspect, presumed to be GameSpot guides editor Matthew E. Rorie, ruthlessly executed four different video game bosses in succession at approximately 4:00pm PT on Wednesday, July 5. Police suspect blood money is involved.

This is an emblem that you get from watching the Boss of Bosses show live last night so I could have easily missed it.


After I wrote this blog a new emblem just came which surprised me. It's the Video Blogger Emblem:

Because literacy is so totally old-fashioned.

The strange is that I have this emblem but I don't have emblem for just uploading a video.

The Second Q & A Video Blog


Come watch my second Q & A video blog. This one came out a bit dark but it isn't too bad. I didn't have time to answer all th questions that people asked me as non-members can only make videos up to 10 minutes. Please continue to ask me questions about myself related to games or something else. If I didn't get time to answer your question I'll answer it in the next one. 

My Q & A Video Blog


Here is my Q & A video blog. I answered all the questions that were left for me in the comment box below my last video blog and I would like for people to ask me some more. Write them here, in the comment box under the video or pm me.

First Video Blog


I did my first video blog and it's about all my consoles and my favourite games for each one.

At the end of it , I say I'm going to make a Q & A video blog. So if you have any questions you want to know about me relating to games or anything else, just write then down here.

Gamespace banners accepted

I got 4 more gamespace banners accepted again 3 days ago (well they were probably were accepted before but they were written up then). I won't get anything this time around because I already got the emblem after a previous one got accepted but I don't really care.

I enjoy making these banners for the reason of something I made going up on a website and seeing it up on the website is a betteer award than a emblem I think (but it's still nice to have an emblem to prove they actually got accepted :D).

Well anyway. The banners that got accepted were:

Wario Land 4 (GBA)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (A gaggle of platforms)

 The Fairly OddParents Shadow Showdown (PS2, GC, PC, GBA) I never even played this game :P

 Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PS2)

Some of those games remind me of the good 'ol days.