I was walking down my hallway and saw a letter to my parents. I didn't really care because it was for my parents so I didn't take much notice.
A couple of minutes a got a text message from a number I hadn't seen before (probably one of my friends whos number I don't know). It said had I got my results. Then I rushed out into the hallway and I knew that that letter to my parents was my results. Knowing that my parents wouldn't mind me opening the letter, I opened it and took out the page and saw that it was definitely my results.
I didn't want to look at the results because I was afraid at what they would be. Eventually I took the plunge and was surprised.
I did great in Irish which I am terrible at. I did great in English which was a great improvement from Christmas. I looked through them and actually fell of my chair when I looked at Geography. I got 100%. I was very confused because I could have sworn I did bad in that exam. I did great in Business even though I thought I did the whole estimated budget wrong. I did good in Science but I was annoyed that I was 1% of an A.
My worst result was C.S.P.E which was 70.75% which is just about a B but I'm not that worried about that result because C.S.P.E is a pointless exam. Of course my best exam was Geography some how which definitely isn't my best result.
Overall I was extremely satisfied with my results that I have been worrying about since the exams started. It added up to 9 A's and 2 B's.
I hope you don't think I'm bragging because I hate bragging but I am just very happy.
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