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tryagainlater Blog

My first Gamespot video

I put up my first Gamespot video as level 10s and over are now able to upload user videos. It's me using 6 different methods of juggling.

Here it is:


This is on three other video websites so some people may have seen it before.

School Exam Results

I was walking down my hallway and saw a letter to my parents. I didn't really care because it was for my parents so I didn't take much notice.

A couple of minutes a got a text message from a number I hadn't seen before (probably one of my friends whos number I don't know). It said had I got my results. Then I rushed out into the hallway and I knew that that letter to my parents was my results. Knowing that my parents wouldn't mind me opening the letter, I opened it and took out the page and saw that it was definitely my results.

I didn't want to look at the results because I was afraid at what they would be. Eventually I took the plunge and was surprised.

I did great in Irish which I am terrible at. I did great in English which was a great improvement from Christmas. I looked through them and actually fell of my chair when I looked at Geography. I got 100%. I was very confused because I could have sworn I did bad in that exam. I did great in Business even though I thought I did the whole estimated budget wrong. I did good in Science but I was annoyed that I was 1% of an A.

My worst result was C.S.P.E which was 70.75% which is just about a B but I'm not that worried about that result because C.S.P.E is a pointless exam. Of course my best exam was Geography some how which definitely isn't my best result.

Overall I was extremely satisfied with my results that I have been worrying about since the exams started. It added up to 9 A's and 2 B's.

I hope you don't think I'm bragging because I hate bragging but I am just very happy.

A new emblem and two emblem upgrades

I got the

Artistic Genius Emblem

Because you've mastered that Photoshop gradient tool.
Awarded to those whose artistic talents have helped beautify gamespaces all across the GameSpot landscape.

I'm really happy about this one because a banner I made with gimp for Gamespot actually got accepted.My banner for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX on the GBC got accepted.

I also got two emblem upgrades recently:

I went from the

Vote Rocker Emblem

to the

Voted twcie Emblem

I also went from the

Neighbourly Emblem

to the

Convivial Emblem


My Union

I'm making a union about stealth games but if you don't like stealth you can play some of the union mini-games, off-topic or discuss games that have both steath and non-stealth parts. I have evrything set up except tags. I'll besetting it up when I have 4 charter members. I you want to be a charter member, pm me or post here.

Charter members:






Another milestone

I got another milestone today. I got to level 15, yay! The amount of percent I got there was the most I got in a long time.

The next milestone will most likely be getting to level 20 but it might be 1500 posts.

Another image

I made another image today. I made this Two Thrones sig. It's better than my last image but I still have to practise more.

Just got Gimp

I just got Gimp-2.2 and it is pretty cool. I've never had an image system like this so obviously I am not good at it.

I was practising on it and I came up with this sig:

I know it isn't good but it is my first image. The background and the wolf look wierd to the picture of Link. I haven't downloaded any fonts yet so I just used basic writing that came with Gimp.

I find the rendering difficult. I definitely respect the people who make sigs,banners,etc for other people because it is hard.

Well hopefully I will get beeter because I think making the pictures is enjoyable except for when rendering is annoying.

My piczo website.

I finally made my own website and I made it with piczo. It's not nearly finished (well it never will be finished unless it's deleted). It's called gamesgaff. It's about games obviously. Most of my pictures will be related to my favourite games- Legend of Zelda, Hitman, Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. I will have unrelated videos and pictures. I have a Gamespot section advertising Gamespot and some of the unions here. Well if your interested visit Gamesgaff.