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tryagainlater Blog

100% in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Finally today, I finished Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories 100%. I was delighted when I did it today. This is the first Grand Theft Auto game I, personally, have finished 100%. My brother finished Vice City 100% but I didn't so it's a great feat for me.

I found 14 hidden packages which add up to 100 of them and did 6 rampages which added up to 20 of them. I had to use a walkthrough to find them as they were too hard to find once there isn't too much left but I did most of the game by myself and without using cheats. I thought the game was glitched as I couldn't find one more rampage (and that one rampage was the last thing I needed to do) but I found out after a long while of searching that it was one that I failed but I had thought I had done.

Prices after doing something 100% can be pointless inless it is extra footage or something like that as there is nothing else to do but it would seem annoying if you got nothing after doing it so they have to give you prizes. I unlocked some multiplayer stuff, infinite ammo (the ammo actually goes up when I shoot) and there is supposed to be a Rhino ank in Fort Staunton but I can't find it. I thought it would be outside my house but it isn't there. It's probably somewhere near where I haven't checked.

Now that I have finished it 100% I probably won't play it again unless it multiplayer or to prove I got 100% to someone but you never know; I could want to start it again. I can't wait to get Grand theft Auto: Vice City Stories. I plan to finish it 100% but it may be too hard for me to do it but I'll try. Some parts in LCS seemed too hard but I did them eventually after many tries. I'll probably have to use a walkthrough again for some parts.

Overall, I am pretty happy with myself and I look forward to attempting 100%'s in furture Grand Theft Auto games.

Half Way Through This Treacherous Level And Other News

Today I got to the half way point of the treacherous, long and hard level 20. I got to that level on the 8 of July which was a month ago. That was the day before I went on holidays so it was a bit longer because I hadn't logged in for two weeks. Other than those two weeks, I have got 2% of a level everyday except for some rare days when I got 3% percent through. I could be gone through 2 or 3 levels by this point but level 20 is extremely long.

The reason it is such a long level, is because most people skip, level 6, 16 and 18. It's evening itself out so in a way it's fair but in other ways it is pretty annoying. If I stay active I should be through it in approximately 4 or 5 weeks but stuff could happen that could prevent me being active on Gamespot.

An example of something preventing me being active on Gamespot is school. Yes! I am afraid to say that I am going back to school in 2 and a half weeks. It has been a pretty good summer but all good things have to come to an end. I hope I won't go comepletely inactive on Gamespot because I have to lead The Stealthy Gamers Union.

Today I was playing Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for ages. It was the longest I have played a game in a long time. In my last blog I said I was trying to complete it 100% and I was 80 %  or so at the time but now I am 95% through which in my opinion is pretty good. All I need to do now is find 14 more hidden packages (with a walkthrough because they are too hard to find after a while) and 5 or 6 more rampages. I think that's all I have to do. I hope there isn't something I forgot.

Today in GTA: LCS I finised the Avenging Angels missions (Shoreside Vale), finished the Dump Truck missions (Shorside Vale again), did some rampages (or was it only one; I've done so much in the last two day I can't remember which day I did it), and I found a lot of hidden packages. I may have done more today but I can't remember what due to to the above reason.

I also want to point out that I got a new "About Me" picture.

Not a big deal but I might as well mention it since I'm writing this blog. I hope to see you soon in a video blog but you know about all the mess up and I will most likely see you soon in a written blog.

Good News And Bad News

If you read a previous video blog, you will see that on top of the not being able to see user videos, rating games bar and certain things on the Gamespot homepage, the user levels and union levels were red x's which was extremely annoying.

That red x problem was fixed by my brother. Yay! I also wasn't able to see videos on google video and other websites but they were fixed too. The user video, rating bar and gamespot homepage problem are still there though so there is still going to be a lack of video blogs which is bad news. I might do a straight-up blogging video blog soon even with the annoying mess up.

On other news, my brother got Thief: Deadly Shadows which I will be paying half for so I'll finally going to get to see the Tief games that I have been hearing so much good about.

I've laso got addicted to Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on the PSP again. I stopped playing a while ago when I was 80% through the game. I am going for 100% and I'm very close now. I finished the unique jumps, all the races (that includes bike, car and rc races), and other side missions today and I call that a good day's work. My brother got the same game for the PS2 because he doesn't like handhelds so we may end up being addicted to the same game.

I also want to ask people who are in my union to please post in it. I don't mind how much because any help is appreciated and The Stealthy Gamers Union needs you. We are losing activity and I don't want to see what I think is hard work go down the drain so please post and keep it active. If you are not a member, please join if you are interested in stealth games, like Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell and Hitman.

So both good news and bad news and I'll see you later (hopefully in a video blog).

Prince of Persia on the Wii

Some people may know that I love the PoP games. After the last one, we were told that it was the end of Sands of Time trilogy but I honestly thought it would be the end of PoP for good.

Thankfully I was wrong as Ubisoft are now making a Prince of Persia for the Wii. Here's a an article from Gamespot confirming it:

It's official: Ubisoft is bringing its popular franchise to Nintendo's next-gen console; release date still unknown.

By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot Posted Aug 9, 2006 12:18 am GMT

Last week, a version of a Ubisoft press release on a French gaming site indicated that the publisher's Prince of Persia franchise was headed for the Wii in March of 2007. This week, a Ubisoft representative confirmed for GameSpot that the time-twisting series will indeed grace Nintendo's new console, but she couldn't say exactly when.

"A game based on Ubisoft's popular Prince of Persia franchise is currently in development for the Wii," the rep said. "At this time we don't have any additional information on the game or when it will be coming out, but we'll let you know as soon as we do."

Ubisoft has shown a considerable amount of support for the Wii already. For instance, the original news of the aforementioned press release was that the publisher would have seven games available for the Nintendo system at launch. In addition to the already announced Rayman and Red Steel, Ubi pledged to have Wii versions of Blazing Angels, Far Cry, Open Season, and more ready for launch day. This also makes the Wii the only next-gen system confirmed to play host to a Prince of Persia title.

You can't imagine how delighted I was when I saw that and I know Gamespot don't make a gamespace for a game until they are 100% sure it is official. The gamespace is here:

I hope they keep the stealth kills and I can't wait to see how they will use the wii-mote. I will be angry if it's annouced that it's just a port of a previous title but I don't think that will happen.

I look forward to hearing more news about it.

Also I got an emblem update today. I went from the tagger flirt emblem to the Tagger Dabbler Emblem:

Awarded to those who've messed around with the tagging system, enabling themselves and others to make it a little easier to find certain content.

I haven't done that much tagging in Gamespot but I've been looking through a lot of games lately and I tagged a few as I went along which eventually added up to seventy tags which is the amount of tags you need.

My Game Collection

Since I got my new game holder, it has been easier to locate one of my games. Every game we own (except for games that are being borrowed) is in the holder so I am finally going to get around to putting every game I own into my game collection as it is now easier.

Some of these games belong to my brother but I'm going to put them in my collection anyway as we play eachOther's games and they're all in our collection so I'll include them all. This would add up to about 150 games which a lot of people probably won't think is a lot because I have seen people around Gamespot with a lot more (and I'd say there was some people who truthfully had this game).

You'll see a lot of new games going into my collection soon. Every game since I was 7 so you'll be seeing games that you might think are childish.

In other news I just want everyone who doesn't know and might happen to be reading this that to support Sentinelrv's great union ideas that will change unions forever.

As if This Macromedia/Adobe Thing Couldn't Get Any Worse

Well if you read my written blog entitled Sorry about the lack of video blogs, you will see that there is a problem with Macromedia/Adobe Flash Player (whatever you call it) for me. I have Macromedia Flash Player 9 but I couldn't see user videos, the rating game bar and certain things on the Gamespot Homepage. Well, I thought that was bad but it got worse for me.

This bit was my fault but it could be a step to resolving me problem. I decided to uninstall Macromedia Flash Player 9. This was a bad move (unless I didn't see a way that I could have fixed it by doing this). It was deleted and I went to install it again. The gold bar that usually come down when I'm downloading things came down and I had a quick moment of joy. I thought that now this bar was coming down, it might install properly.

I clicked on the bar and installed it. A security warning came up and it gave 2 buttons-"Install" and "Don't Install". Obviously I pressed the Install button. I knew it may take a while so I left it. I came back and nothing was happening. I knew something was wrong so I restarted the computer and tried again. Once again, nothing happened.

I then decided to go onto Gamespot and see if I could see user videos and whatever else I couldn't see. It was the samw line I have seen a million times:

This content requires Macromedia Flash Player 7 or higher. Get Flash

I decided to "Get Flash" again for the millionth time but once again, it didn't work.

I went to my profile and what did I see, this:

Yes! A red X were my level was. This is a lot more annoying than it looks. I know I can see my level at the top but it's annoying seeing this everytime I log into my profile.It's also the same thing with the union level. But I can see this in the stats but I face the same annoyance as the one in the profile. It is clearly related to the Macromedia thing unless it was a huge coincidence.

When I was in my union homepage, the gold bar that came down when I was trying to install Flash Player came down. I thought it might work if I installed it off Gamespot but unfortunately again, I was wrong.

One thing that is worrying me with this problem in the future is Sentinelrv's great ideas about the union system. In most important and best idea in my opinion is the widget feature. That widget thing about news articles is the thing I can't see on the Gamespot homepage above the "Latest and Greatest" box on the Gamespot homepage. If the problem affects these union widgets and the problem still isn't resolved then I might have to step down as leader of The Stealthy Gamers Union because how am I supposed to work with something if I cant see it and I really don't want to step down as leader. I want that idea to be used because they will help Gamespot's unions completely.

Well I really hope this problem will be resolved soon as it is really ruining Gamespot for me and I feel I'm losing touch with the Gamespot community (mostly because of not being able to see user videos).

New Images Make Their Way to Tryagainlater's Profile

Today I made and replaced some images. As you can see, I have a new banner. It's plain and simple but I like it. I like the whole picture. The text isn't great but it will do.

You may also have noticed the new blog header image. This was the second image I ever made on Gimp and I was pretty proud of it at the time. I just decided to make it my blog header image today.

As well as those, I also made a new signature today. It's theme is Splinter Cell:

This signature came out a lot better than I thought it would and I like it. It's better than my last sig which was a Hitman sig (it deleted itself for some reason). The writing is hard to see but it isn't to bad in my opinion.

My avatar is staying the same. I liked that avatar ever since Glazrak (I think he made it) made it at Liquid Designs. If I ever change it, it won't be for a while.

On top of all that, I got to my 2500th post today. That means I'm only a quarter of my way to my 10k post party.

Sorry about the lack of video blogs

I apologise about the lack of video blogs I've been making to anyone who cares. I really enjoy making them and I want to make more but there's something wrong with user videos for me.

First I was waiting till I played the Xbox 360 that my brother got (I was going to make a written blog with it so when that's made it will be a while after I got it). Now I don't care about that as there is another reason.

Even though I have Macromedia Flash Player 9 it says that I have to have Macromedia Flash Player 7 or higher at the user video section (as well as the bar at the rating section and certain things on the Gamespot homepage). I know I don't need to see the user video I upload onto Gamespot I made, I feel it doesn't make sense to not be able to see it when I made it.

I posted this in the Technical Support forum but they told me to go to Customer Support. I asked at customer support so I may get that around Tuesday or Wednesday most likely.

I tried downloading Macromedia Flash player 9 again (many times) but it still is not working and it is begginning to annoy me. I also feel I'm losing touch with the Gamespot community as I can't see the great user videos that people are coming out with.

Well hopefully this problem will be rsolved soon as I want to get back to video blogging but if it never gets resolved I'll just have to live with it and not be able to see videos I upload.

Information on Vice City Stories

I just found some good information on Vice City Stories from

You'll be playing as Victor Vance - Lance's brother.

Victor, and his brother Lance, will be playing a big part in Vice City Stories. He's seen in the opening scene of GTA: Vice City, as he get killed by a SWAT team.

The game takes place in 1984 - two years before GTA: Vice City

 Victor is a 28 year-old US Marine

Players can now take on the water of Vice City With jet ski's!

The animations are more life-like and is a ''step-up from previous titles in the series''

 A multiplayer feature similar to the PSP version of LCS is in the game VCS is ''much, much bigger than Vice City''

Some landmarks are half-built or yet to be refurbished to their state circa 1986

There's new or altered locations and buildings

All new vehicles and weapons You can fly helicopters!

Radio stations from Vice City make a return

New weather effects that could include hurricanes

You can swim in the game!

Bikes handle better than before

There's also no more seamless exterior-to-interior gameplay as seen in LCS (There'll be a slight loading time)

A new addition in Vice City is the chunder-wheel, which you can ride in first-person view!

Binoculars is in the game

LCS is ''rookie first-gen PSP title compared to VCS''

Draw distance is great and is said to be better than Vice City on PS2

Trip skips make a return (If you die or get busted a taxi will take you back to the location where you received the mission from)

 New animations which give both the lead characters and pedestrians a whole new degree of humanity

 Far richer color palette that brings sunsets to all new levels of beauty, and realism

Increased density of pedestrians, cars and objects

Reduction in clumping (where groups of the same model type appear together)

Far more interiors that its predecessors

So far there's no word on character and vehicle customization, as well as wall climbing.

This game looks quite interesting and I can't wait for it to come out. It's an interesting choose on main characters and I like the fact that they are bringing back swimming. I don't see the big deal in water skis but it's new and it's not making the game bad so who cares? I would like to see what this one will be like:

New animations which give both the lead characters and pedestrians a whole new degree of humanity

It might be like people grocery shopping and actually having a purpose and parking cars places and going into buildings. I don't know though.

I also like to see that radio stations are back from Vice City and I look forward to listening to that chat station that I can't remember the name of. I hope there is more than 3 sketches to it this time.

Well anyway I can't wait for this game and I hope it's as good as Liberty City Stories which was my favourite Grand Theft Auto game.