from easylist is now make gamespot home page go blank where as before there was no such issue with that. till what ever gamespot decided to change things again ign is look better and better
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from easylist is now make gamespot home page go blank where as before there was no such issue with that. till what ever gamespot decided to change things again ign is look better and better
Current issue is caused by the ##.skinAd disable that filter in easy list and pages show again.
And it only the home page with the issue, other pages seem fine
It is quite amazing how how easylist/abp fix the issues then gamespot goes and changes how there ads work and breaks it again.
Tell people use not us ablock isnt gona happen or realistic of gamespot to tell people to do that, that being said it not ablock the issue its subscriptions used. for most part is it easylist causing it lately and bet fix i could find is
ABP/uBlock or what ever you use add the bellow into exceptions
The above is AD script, and for stupid reason gamespot has there videos and other part of the site intergrated into it so when it block it breaks the site, simple solution stop integrated ads into the site that it breaks if there blocked
The video players randomly dont work one day they work other day it does
best i could fiqure to fix that was adding exceptions to
and video play some times has no option to video quality.
gamespot been mess keep randomly breaking alot since the website new ui setup most the time i come here i spend more time trying to get video play to work the page to work correct then actual reading things which getting to the point i gona switch back to IGN. And no i am not disabling ABP/Ublock etc this place loads slow as its with the ad being blocked with thall the ads it even slower.
IGN use to super slow loading in comparison to gamespot currently and that was with ads block now IGN is twice as fast loading as gamespot and that is with ads block and videos that work. and i have 120mbit
FF,Chrome all same issue when Ad blocks are use, and use are crazy if you think people are gone surf the net with out adblockers in this day in how how bout we just stop embedding ad scripts in to videos which what breaks the videos in first place
Add these exeptions to ABP
I love the fact edgework keep saying it NOT gamespots PROBLEM when it obiviously is cause how there implenting there own ads. it not GAMESPOTS problem when they lose viewer/readers cause they got feed up with the constant issue this site has with adblockers? Get with the times and accept the fact no one goes on the internet with out ad blocker for many reasons. ranging from excess ads causing the site to load much slower, to the fact malware can come threw ads.
Just make yousite work correctly with ad blockers like 90% all the other sites do, ign, giantbomb defently dont have issue like gamespot with block not even remotely
Keep sticking your heads in the sand the problem will obliviously go away when you's no longer have readers/viewers it rather funny
I was never getting loged out there was just bug where the main page on first load showed me as I wasnt loged in when i really was cause any other link i clicked on the site show me as logged in.
But the bug where the initial loading of the page show me as not loged in is fixed
@edgework: that is fun seeing it GAMESPOT with the issue and to this date gamespot website is only i seen since using ABP that has so many issue. you's trying to say ABP is singling gamespot out and has vendetta against it? please
Sort out your ads issue, I remeber when the website wouldnt let me left click anything cause for some reason the web site want some ad to not be block just for left click to work right. which reinforce my thought that your AD team is trying to make AD's required for the site to work.
Say it ABP problem is even stupider, people will read that as Gamespot dont care if they lose readers/viewers all cause they dont want to deal with there site constant issues with ablockers used while most other site have no such issue to extent gamespot does.
And most of this issue gamespot has had as of late STARTED when this current site layout was rolled out. who is really at fualt ABP? the webdesigners? AD service? either way Gamespot is who will suffer in the end, and viewers will just get feed up at some point and stop coming to the site
your doing it wrong if ADs are need to to render a page. the fact it renders the page and then just disapears when it done loading does tell me that for some stupid reason ADS are required to show the page ADS should never be REQUIRED for page to load and if said AD is blocked it results the page going blank your implements said ads wrong.
Seriously Gamespot is the only website that i know that has endless issue with adblockers used. I get that websites use ads for revenue but, when said ads start slowing the loading of the pages as much as they do on gamespot. that would be come one reason why people use Ad blockers.
I will throw you bone though Easylist for ABP is the subscription causing the pages to blank after loading
it adp causing it, turn it off fixes it which i refuse to do, Gamespot is the only website i frequent that has THIS MANY ISSUE with ABP, it make me wonder if there purposely using ads that integrated in to the site so much that if there block kills the site. Maybe gamepost should dial it back with over kill of ADS that slow the site down immensely. IGN,GiantBomb dont have these issue. if i think about all these issue started when the rolled out the current site design.
There is fine line from some no intrusive ads that dont slow sites down and large amounts of them that slow the site down, which gamespot uses so many it slow the site down alot.
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